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Topic Date
Author Last message
Theif07.27, 05:263Lord HeartBreakkid07.27, 05:56, by Lord HeartBreakkid
a huge army of genes is attaking-quest07.26, 22:025BrotherTI07.26, 22:30, by Lord MrNiceGuy
black smith07.26, 20:033nobodiez07.26, 20:33, by nobodiez
cold blade or archery07.26, 17:1612Cipa07.26, 19:59, by #7181Lord Xerfer
Clans07.26, 19:373nobodiez07.26, 19:54, by nobodiez
Shrews 9 speed07.26, 19:364Lady Doombasher07.26, 19:42, by LWM_Dante
recruitment and talents 4 lvl 10??07.26, 18:323Lord -Malik-07.26, 18:43, by Lord -Malik-
HELP!!HELP!!SOMEBODY HELP ME!!07.26, 17:382Darkcrussedar07.26, 17:43, by Lord dedengkot
Lvl up barb07.26, 16:413BrotherTI07.26, 16:53, by LWM_Dante
Secondary faction at lvl 5-607.26, 14:448shokuka07.26, 16:07, by Lord Halvspak
How?07.26, 11:176Golden-Knight07.26, 15:02, by Phaddeus
So is this fair?07.26, 13:533elginlee207.26, 14:06, by #7181Omega22
what can i do with dragon scales ?!?07.26, 13:182KnightSlayer07.26, 13:26, by gurumao
Why did I only get .48 faction xp for winning hunt?07.26, 10:537Lord Ravensclaw07.26, 11:10, by Lord Ravensclaw
How to use07.26, 09:375Lord Bob_Bob07.26, 10:04, by Arghmage
please tell07.26, 09:273moltend_phoenix07.26, 09:39, by gurumao
Advise from pros needed.07.26, 09:217elginlee207.26, 09:36, by elginlee2
what does basic erudition talen means07.26, 09:003Lord warhead107.26, 09:02, by gurumao
which talent to take for level 5 necro07.26, 08:532Lord warhead107.26, 08:55, by Bite-My-Nuggets
Skeletons07.26, 08:075Lord Bob_Bob07.26, 08:41, by Lord Bob_Bob
Fun Question that might get me banned XD07.26, 07:496elginlee207.26, 08:13, by elginlee2
code07.26, 07:564superbest107.26, 08:01, by superbest1
bowmen attack group07.26, 06:1310thaps07.26, 07:51, by elginlee2
which faction is the hardest with low faction level?07.26, 07:432jambronk07.26, 07:46, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Are extras allowed to talk in forum?07.26, 06:583Lady Tyrisia07.26, 07:45, by #7365Lord Kotrin
empire07.26, 02:015Marquise07.26, 07:29, by elginlee2
TG - Thief leader's trust07.26, 05:585#7705Gyver07.26, 07:13, by #4201Lord Pantheon
can a player07.26, 04:114moltend_phoenix07.26, 06:56, by Lady Takesister
elves merc quests07.26, 05:302NobleElf07.26, 05:39, by gurumao
Group battles?07.25, 21:287BrotherTI07.26, 05:23, by NobleElf

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