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Topic Date
Author Last message
Trident in Russian's profiles02.25, 13:544Ipsen02.26, 05:11, by Ipsen
help02.25, 23:062magthief02.25, 23:36, by MarineBiologist
Mercenaries guild elements02.25, 00:345English-King02.25, 20:45, by English-King
Received gold asGift02.25, 14:459#9595zzzqq02.25, 15:10, by Fallen Atheros
Buying Arts from Facilities02.25, 11:053Ipsen02.25, 11:49, by Ipsen
how's the lightning damage calculated in this battle?02.23, 01:0313#9595bp9902.23, 23:26, by #7705Lord MilesTeg
block02.23, 19:042lord roy02.23, 19:10, by Dragon Eater
Skills02.23, 17:413#9595zzzqq02.23, 18:12, by #7490Viod
odd experience02.23, 10:313xXmaxyXx02.23, 16:09, by #7490Meshy
Flask of Health02.22, 20:264English-King02.22, 23:13, by #4201virtual_vitrea
artifact02.22, 12:283doge_140802.22, 18:46, by Fallen Atheros
Account in negative02.21, 07:208#9595zzzqq02.22, 04:38, by randomr1
MATE WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!?!?!?! PLEASE EXPLAIN02.22, 01:023English-King02.22, 01:11, by Slust
mouse hover effect from smart phone02.20, 10:163Bheem02.22, 00:34, by liuker
which is better?02.20, 08:164chikish02.21, 06:42, by Ipsen
Flask of Health02.20, 13:225dzinas02.20, 14:56, by Usbeorn
approximation in smithing02.19, 14:398Bheem02.20, 10:38, by #4201Lord Robai
Inventory02.19, 18:537warrior4902.19, 19:13, by warrior49
Possible changes in game mechanics?02.18, 22:305debeljuca02.19, 01:44, by Dragon Eater
Rage (Special ability)02.15, 22:265Ipsen02.17, 22:44, by #7490Meshy
Does MG's monster resist to Magic Punch spells?02.17, 18:533SwiftGirl02.17, 19:17, by SwiftGirl
need help choosing 2nd faction02.16, 18:488krabylos02.17, 11:08, by siddi1111
Help to understand the pirmary parameter on the basis of Experience tables02.15, 17:438KickButtowski02.16, 19:10, by KickButtowski
More xp02.16, 13:457#7705D-Rock02.16, 15:14, by #7705D-Rock
Sylvan Thicket02.15, 13:508Bheem02.15, 20:28, by Ipsen
playing on iphone02.15, 17:333#1519ninjagomaster02.15, 17:38, by #1519ninjagomaster
Survilurg's forts02.15, 08:352dzinas02.15, 08:57, by #7705Mr Aivaras
Old Forum02.14, 16:326warrior4902.14, 20:01, by #7490Meshy
auto option in combat02.14, 12:093Bheem02.14, 15:35, by Lord selfist
Is it still possible to lose a battle for being afk?02.14, 09:125Lady sofiouta02.14, 11:10, by Lady sofiouta

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