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Gratitudes and congratulations


Topic Date
Author Last message
Iron DE01.08, 20:3210Lord Jeverag01.09, 11:53, by Lord dedengkot
Congrats to Taniser level 1 of TGI01.08, 18:061RandhyTheDarks01.08, 18:06, by RandhyTheDarks
Gaurav22 - LvL 8 !01.08, 16:163Lady sry01.08, 17:21, by blazingarpit
New record((( again(((01.07, 06:506Veni_Vedi_Vici01.07, 20:32, by Lord Sagaro
msro [11] - Knight01.06, 09:566LEVY01.06, 14:55, by Lady sry
Congratz to binghuo.01.04, 12:219CrossXVamki01.06, 08:03, by Ampkit123
this fight was awesome01.05, 23:096stepher01.06, 01:03, by #7181Lord MasterTI
Congratz to Cenacad - lvl 9 to lvl 1001.04, 12:579Lady sry01.05, 22:59, by Cenacad
congratulation to Kiaune reach level 11!01.05, 09:5617ForestFighter01.05, 21:47, by madison3
Broke FK record for lvl 1001.05, 16:404#7181Lord MasterTI01.05, 17:19, by xinj
Congraz Hatred01.05, 14:576#7181Lord MasterTI01.05, 16:35, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Congratz crashnburn_ph lvl901.03, 21:5625Lord coolsuperj01.05, 04:53, by Lord sharky11
Congrats to the level 3 elf who beat a level 4 elf01.03, 21:356#7365Lord Conquest01.04, 21:00, by diversecity
New record(((01.03, 17:578Veni_Vedi_Vici01.04, 20:21, by #7181Lord MasterTI
Congratulations!01.04, 18:021Shayde-lee01.04, 18:02, by Shayde-lee
top DE for merc guild.01.04, 11:352Karsot01.04, 17:18, by Karsot
Congrats Ara level 501.03, 14:128RandhyTheDarks01.04, 17:08, by Lord veteran
congrats to hatred01.03, 09:559Lord Edwin190801.04, 06:00, by Lady sry
Gratz to Kusika TOP DEMON!01.01, 00:3815#7181Lord Xerfer01.03, 23:56, by stevelawler
Congrats to our co-leader CRASHNBURN_PH for reaching 7th lvl01.03, 14:284xXxLONERxXx01.03, 21:27, by crashnburn_ph
Thank you for this game01.03, 12:452Lord werwobel01.03, 12:45, by Lord werwobel
Sven91 lv 7 - congrats :)01.02, 19:0315Zyanya01.03, 09:35, by ForestFighter
Congratulations to zyanya01.02, 13:3014Sven9101.02, 18:42, by Lord Ganz
Thanks Admin01.02, 18:103#7181Lord Xerfer01.02, 18:41, by kuramathefox
New record)))01.02, 14:052Veni_Vedi_Vici01.02, 14:11, by blazingarpit
Kiskoko lvl 1101.01, 20:4612#7181Lord marked_one01.02, 12:53, by Lord abdullah
Maybe this is the most exitng thief mission in lordswm.com01.01, 15:3417kuramathefox01.02, 08:40, by kuramathefox
walker is back!01.02, 06:454Deamonheart01.02, 07:21, by Deamonheart
Congratulate us ... xD01.02, 03:084Angel_Devil01.02, 07:15, by Lord azRAIL_13
Happy New Year everyone :)12.26, 18:2732Lord Pentagon01.01, 16:58, by Lord veteran

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