Forums-->Gratitudes and congratulations <|192|193|194|195|196|197|198|199|200|201|202|>
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Derryk [Weapon]3*10% | 01.14, 11:03 | 13 | Lord Vitosik | 01.16, 03:22, by MaChaoShu | Ganz - lv 9 | 01.15, 01:37 | 19 | Zyanya | 01.16, 02:35, by Lord Ganz | Emrus - 6 -----> 7 | 01.15, 15:33 | 2 | Lady sry | 01.15, 15:45, by Lord veteran | kushn [11] | 01.12, 23:35 | 10 | china_blue99 | 01.15, 14:31, by blazingarpit | Warriors' Guild - 500 members! | 01.13, 14:51 | 25 |  Lord Kotrin | 01.15, 11:37, by Lady misself | Kusika lvl 12 | 01.11, 12:47 | 44 | Grayman | 01.14, 23:00, by diversecity | Tyrisia - [8] | 01.14, 08:23 | 17 |  Arctic | 01.14, 22:24, by Lord Ganz | >New DE LvL 10 Titan Record< | 01.14, 17:15 | 4 |  Lord MasterTI | 01.14, 21:56, by ipslne | congratz to me new high score | 01.14, 16:13 | 2 | Lord feelmypower | 01.14, 16:36, by  Omega22 | Congratulations to misself [8] | 01.13, 04:37 | 19 | Kiz | 01.14, 08:13, by Arctic | misself lv 8 soon | 01.13, 03:30 | 4 | sjb50 | 01.13, 06:33, by Zyanya | new hunt record | 01.12, 18:22 | 6 | Karsot | 01.12, 22:09, by Zyanya | Congratz to me in my first Monster Win ! | 01.11, 03:07 | 6 | Lady sry | 01.12, 15:09, by Lady sry | Congrats to Fes | 01.10, 18:04 | 16 | Riad | 01.12, 09:01, by Artamis | visao | 01.12, 02:21 | 2 | techy | 01.12, 02:23, by Lady misself | Patriot - 5 lvl - Mercenaries' guild: 1 | 01.11, 21:22 | 3 | Lord Patriot | 01.12, 02:18, by Lord Stranger | Ipslne [8] --> [9] | 01.11, 15:57 | 7 |  Lord MasterTI | 01.11, 21:57, by  Lord Xerfer | Christmas events - Special thanks | 01.08, 01:18 | 28 |  Arctic | 01.11, 21:02, by Lord Patriot | Kusika | 01.10, 15:03 | 23 | techy | 01.11, 14:33, by Pang | grats to kusika | 01.11, 12:48 | 6 | ManBearPig | 01.11, 13:11, by ManBearPig | Congrats to Riad | 01.11, 12:33 | 1 | Riad | 01.11, 12:33, by Riad | Thank U | 01.11, 11:25 | 1 | stevelawler | 01.11, 11:25, by stevelawler | congratz to me | 01.11, 03:19 | 4 | DragonLord75 | 01.11, 03:53, by Lady sry | congratz to me | 01.11, 03:17 | 1 | DragonLord75 | 01.11, 03:17, by DragonLord75 | Sry [5] -> [6] | 01.11, 03:04 | 2 | Veni_Vedi_Vici | 01.11, 03:06, by Lady sry | _DEATH_ [7] -> [8] | 01.10, 20:27 | 2 | Lord Sagaro | 01.10, 20:35, by Lord CitizenX | Congrats to Ethereality for being unblocked | 01.09, 14:23 | 16 | ExDeath | 01.10, 06:20, by  Lord MasterTI | congratulations to Veni_Vedi_Vici | 01.09, 22:07 | 4 | Veni_Vedi_Vici | 01.09, 22:37, by Lord CitizenX | congratulations to me | 01.09, 21:18 | 1 | Lord abdullah | 01.09, 21:18, by Lord abdullah | Hihgest GPC | 01.09, 19:30 | 3 | Lord Jeverag | 01.09, 20:10, by  Lord marked_one |