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Topic Date
Author Last message
Night Crawler wins gold in BFT!05.30, 14:479PLaY LikE a PRO06.03, 00:18, by astorgate
Lord bogland reached CL 1605.26, 03:029Platomic I05.30, 11:13, by Laco24
Girlcoolline builds an estate!05.21, 04:2519#4201Corey05.29, 09:15, by girlcoolline
Night Crawler gold in MT!05.20, 19:5111PLaY LikE a PRO05.27, 23:40, by astorgate
cezarion reaches CL 2005.20, 22:478Platomic I05.26, 02:38, by #7490MagDonald
Usbeorn Gold in MT!05.14, 16:3410randomr105.21, 15:21, by #4201Calamity
Corey -> CL 1605.16, 17:5025MrBattleControl05.20, 15:28, by kostko
Kostko necro lvl 1205.18, 01:055kostko05.20, 02:48, by randomr1
-GrifonHeart- Level 14!05.18, 07:007#4201Corey05.19, 01:47, by #7705Lord Fosgeen
Marhallet reaches smith guild 8!05.10, 19:3212#9426Setsunu05.15, 16:38, by #7490Marhallet
Jitulek AG 205.13, 02:5714RecorderPT05.14, 15:40, by #4201Calamity
TG lvl 305.05, 23:3911Gahny05.10, 18:32, by ZALL
Lord selfist HG 904.26, 16:3919RecorderPT05.05, 14:12, by #7490Sheamus
SwiftGirl --------- CL1704.19, 03:5210#7279kingyb04.25, 08:35, by SwiftGirl
gonlador reaches CL 21!04.20, 01:1430girlcoolline04.24, 12:34, by #4201Calamity
New thief in town - McBanter04.19, 18:173Menetekel04.20, 01:36, by Platomic I
Yukiter_Amano -> MG 804.11, 21:087#7705Yukiter_Amano04.17, 21:15, by Mr Bonedragon
New UCI04.10, 09:1619#7490666beasty04.14, 08:52, by #7490Sheamus
Jitulek -> TG 1203.23, 23:3428#7705Yukiter_Amano04.11, 09:08, by #9595Tony
tilde => CL 1704.07, 20:019Platomic I04.10, 08:05, by #9595eddy_immanuel
New UCI in town03.20, 00:5447velniukstis03.24, 05:28, by #7705Lord Fosgeen
Usbeorn wins Mixed Tournament!03.12, 18:5018randomr103.16, 06:42, by awesome 1993
RecorderPT-> CL 1903.10, 13:0920MrBattleControl03.14, 17:01, by SuperBacon
Happy Holi03.13, 11:304phoenix2203.14, 16:14, by ayush20
Eldric reaches CL 1303.09, 18:097Platomic I03.13, 12:46, by #7705Yukiter_Amano
drachenflame reaches CL 1703.10, 21:1412Platomic I03.12, 14:01, by #7490mkland
Jitulek WG 502.27, 15:1915Mr Bonedragon03.09, 19:44, by #7490mkland
MrBattleControl =>> CL1503.05, 01:0529Platomic I03.09, 05:48, by myevan2
Congrats to LordsWM 10 Years!03.01, 12:4012jaepeulae03.04, 12:42, by #7490avelox
Netzu reaches Elf FSL 12 !!02.28, 01:2418astorgate03.01, 10:35, by #7490mkland

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