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Topic Date
Author Last message
Pravin J reaches lev 910.25, 12:1611Pravin J11.02, 01:25, by #4201virtual_vitrea
gmt325gh reaches level 15.10.29, 08:2120#4201virtual_vitrea10.31, 19:18, by Ur_End_Is_Here
poison Ivy TG7 !!10.19, 12:4020vicky66610.30, 16:48, by MollyMillions
agent_004 reaches TG 5... :)10.29, 18:5315Naturef10.30, 13:20, by agent_004
RevolutionRebel , Commanders Guild Level 4 !!!10.26, 02:2827#7279vista10.28, 19:49, by gmt325gh
Vicky666 reaches CL 1210.22, 12:2430K5isback10.25, 10:54, by Laco24
Wiz Warrior ---> lvl 7!10.20, 14:154K9110.25, 08:28, by #4201_Sworks_
Thestrongest reaches lvl 1310.22, 14:012_-PRAJOY-_10.25, 08:27, by #4201_Sworks_
Epsileon Lv7, TG coming up Soon :)10.20, 15:5311Sir Anonymous10.25, 08:26, by #4201_Sworks_
enano reached faction level 1110.21, 17:3717Lord midnight-shadow10.25, 08:23, by #4201_Sworks_
Antviolence-> Cl 17,LG 1210.17, 20:3746MrBattleControl10.25, 08:19, by #4201_Sworks_
Happy Deepawali10.22, 05:0418God is Great10.23, 17:11, by Eclipse
Warlock naviron reaches FSL 1110.16, 13:4216#7490mkland10.20, 16:55, by MrBattleControl
Lord selfist reaches FSL 12 in knight !10.16, 07:1729vicky66610.19, 10:28, by Topseh
Jabberwacky --> 90% Smith lvl :P10.18, 00:5210Poison Ivy10.19, 01:32, by MrBattleControl
Mr Bonedragon ==> Lvl 1710.14, 17:3721Laco2410.15, 23:02, by #7490gonlador
KOF Z - Master Quester10.15, 05:556XepKazura10.15, 14:36, by K5isback
Levittoux reached LG11 a few days back10.06, 18:5627shubhamgoyal10.13, 15:04, by cargo456
selfist big bucks10.03, 23:2925#7705Warlock naviron10.06, 22:44, by #9595Tony
Rumpelstiltskin LG 1210.04, 21:0217Lord selfist10.06, 10:10, by #7490mkland
Cat Tail, Commanders Guild Level 3!09.30, 19:0413K5isback10.05, 03:11, by #4201_Sworks_
Poison Ivy --> Lev 1610.01, 14:2933#9595eddy_immanuel10.05, 03:06, by #4201_Sworks_
The Scavenger --> CL1409.30, 23:2015Poison Ivy10.05, 03:04, by #4201_Sworks_
~ Levittoux is CL 19 !09.23, 17:3642Derelict10.03, 20:32, by Cthulhunick
Warlock Naviron gets LG 1109.23, 22:2822#4201virtual_vitrea10.03, 01:15, by astorgate
Another Facility for A&D09.24, 20:0140Anony-mouse09.30, 17:21, by Arcanide
Shubhamgoyal reaches level 12!!09.11, 18:3434vicky66609.30, 09:34, by shubhamgoyal
LORDKUSHU reaches CG level 109.27, 15:0614shubhamgoyal09.29, 23:36, by #1209latviesu lords
UH knight reached lvl12 !!!!09.17, 14:3516Kian The great09.28, 00:56, by ishan
CatTail reaches combat level 20, ranked 35 in total top players!09.22, 19:0938RevolutionRebel09.27, 15:11, by #7490Marhallet

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