Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others <|120|121|122|123|124|125|126|127|128|129|130|>
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Confession | 12.13, 06:35 | 4 | bomman_master | 12.13, 11:45, by Lord king_of_swords | Name close to Admins | 12.13, 04:01 | 1 | quickuser | 12.13, 04:01, by quickuser | Ser_MVP | 12.12, 21:02 | 1 | Dalamar2 | 12.12, 21:02, by Dalamar2 | Illegal transfers | 12.12, 10:52 | 2 |  Demonaattori | 12.12, 13:47, by sipirt-bird | very illegal transfers.items,gold & resources | 12.12, 13:42 | 1 | sipirt-bird | 12.12, 13:42, by sipirt-bird | Illegal transfers | 12.12, 05:52 | 1 | SoilCharge | 12.12, 05:52, by SoilCharge | illegal transfer | 12.12, 01:40 | 1 | sipirt-bird | 12.12, 01:40, by sipirt-bird | More than 3 multis | 12.12, 01:20 | 1 | quickuser | 12.12, 01:20, by quickuser | Transfers | 12.11, 23:43 | 2 | mageof10 | 12.11, 23:45, by mageof10 | RobinHood_99 | 12.11, 22:41 | 1 | Dalamar2 | 12.11, 22:41, by Dalamar2 | Net of multiple characters | 12.11, 20:10 | 1 |  Elven_Lord | 12.11, 20:10, by  Elven_Lord | Illegal transfers more than 55000 gold | 12.11, 17:21 | 2 | Lord Made_in_Ukraine | 12.11, 19:51, by Lord evil07 | Drunk21 | 12.11, 16:39 | 1 | Dalamar2 | 12.11, 16:39, by Dalamar2 | Illegal Transfer | 12.06, 00:05 | 2 | knightknight39 | 12.11, 14:25, by knightknight39 | illegal transfer | 12.11, 12:46 | 1 | -undeadtroops- | 12.11, 12:46, by -undeadtroops- | ilegal transfer... | 12.11, 12:38 | 1 | sipirt-bird | 12.11, 12:38, by sipirt-bird | multitrans | 12.11, 10:53 | 1 | Leto | 12.11, 10:53, by Leto | Not returning loans | 12.11, 09:36 | 1 | Lady -P3nnyw1se- | 12.11, 09:36, by Lady -P3nnyw1se- | Illegal Transfer | 12.11, 09:02 | 1 | knightknight39 | 12.11, 09:02, by knightknight39 | Transfers | 12.11, 05:02 | 1 | mageof10 | 12.11, 05:02, by mageof10 | i thinks he has more than 6 character (I THINK) | 12.11, 04:46 | 1 | sipirt-bird | 12.11, 04:46, by sipirt-bird | Failure to comply with Rule 3.10.1 | 12.10, 18:40 | 4 |  Lord naviron | 12.10, 19:06, by coolahed | Character not signed | 12.10, 16:36 | 2 | Liongo | 12.10, 18:41, by matomato12 | Illegal transfer. | 12.10, 16:26 | 1 | God5end | 12.10, 16:26, by God5end | AlenBBB | 12.10, 15:27 | 2 | Dalamar2 | 12.10, 16:18, by God5end | multovodstvo | 12.08, 17:01 | 5 | Lord suigecu | 12.10, 12:24, by  Magier | financial assist | 12.10, 11:57 | 1 | Lord X-Files | 12.10, 11:57, by Lord X-Files | illegal transfers | 12.10, 11:34 | 1 | cyberlord | 12.10, 11:34, by cyberlord | illegal transfer between mutlis | 12.10, 06:10 | 1 | SoilCharge | 12.10, 06:10, by SoilCharge | A question about size of loan. | 12.03, 16:47 | 19 | sexy_girlz1989 | 12.10, 05:06, by Arctic |