Forums-->Clans <|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39
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the sacred army is recruiting | 12.19, 10:55 | 4 | azabukinie | 12.25, 14:37, by azabukinie | Hatred's New year tournament 08/09 (Announcements) | 12.17, 12:29 | 18 | Hatred | 12.25, 12:16, by Hatred | #210 Dark Souls awesome clan recruiting XD | 12.21, 04:41 | 3 | Lord DarkEvolution | 12.25, 07:43, by Xppl | <><><><><> #172 Guardians Of P | 12.24, 23:10 | 1 | Lord feelmypower | 12.24, 23:10, by Lord feelmypower | redemption for another lost hero #240 | 12.24, 22:46 | 1 | madison3 | 12.24, 22:46, by madison3 | #240 Redemption For Another Lost Hero | 12.23, 04:28 | 2 | techy | 12.24, 04:05, by techy | redemption for a lost hero | 12.24, 00:14 | 2 | madison3 | 12.24, 00:16, by madison3 | for knights with crossbowman only | 12.23, 06:31 | 6 | spartan300 | 12.23, 13:31, by spartan300 | Clan # 231 The Malaysian Empire is OPEN | 12.09, 15:48 | 12 | AzlyHaziq | 12.23, 12:17, by WhipLasher | Dark Kingdom is back!! | 12.20, 16:36 | 4 | CrossXVamki | 12.22, 14:38, by CrossXVamki | Fed up of boring gaming? In need of a real challenge? | 12.15, 11:06 | 8 | LordSchniesel | 12.22, 12:21, by LordSchniesel | #223 "The Brotherhood of Thieves" - A new clan for | 12.10, 10:57 | 6 | Simstar | 12.21, 22:51, by Simstar | Clan 240 Redemption for Another Lost Hero recruiting | 12.19, 01:23 | 2 | werb123 | 12.21, 03:51, by werb123 | #091 hps | 12.20, 06:39 | 2 | hps | 12.20, 06:40, by hps | www.heroes | 12.20, 06:35 | 2 | hps | 12.20, 06:36, by hps | #210 Dark Souls information and recruiting =) XD | 12.20, 00:04 | 2 | Lord DarkEvolution | 12.20, 04:45, by Lord DarkEvolution | #258 the sacred army is recruiting | 12.13, 14:03 | 8 | azabukinie | 12.18, 23:28, by Bramblepaw | #260 Thieves' alliance | 12.15, 19:16 | 2 | Lord Vitosik | 12.18, 08:21, by destoryer | #210 Dark Souls information and recruiting =) | 12.17, 04:29 | 6 | Lord DarkEvolution | 12.18, 06:30, by Ampkit123 | #162 Wrath of Abraxas | 12.02, 00:23 | 7 | Hatred | 12.18, 02:57, by spartan300 | ESpañoles, hispanos, que hablemos castellano | 12.18, 00:08 | 7 | Precao | 12.18, 01:47, by  Lord MasterTI | #265 Elite Spawns Recruiting Now | 12.17, 16:35 | 3 |  Lord MasterTI | 12.18, 01:28, by  Lord MasterTI | Court of Equity --- your pathway to the Thief Guild | 12.17, 07:36 | 3 | Brilliant | 12.17, 07:44, by Brilliant | #265 Elite Spawns | 12.15, 19:35 | 5 |  Lord MasterTI | 12.16, 16:48, by  Lord MasterTI | Guardians 'Guild is recruiting! | 12.07, 22:46 | 9 | Lord Ajanie | 12.13, 18:19, by Thor16 | want a clan that has no taxes | 12.13, 03:52 | 7 | Gandolf5123 | 12.13, 10:58, by Gandolf5123 | #159 "Brigades Of Wolverine" Is Currently Recruiti | 09.12, 01:17 | 108 | XxFaithxX | 12.10, 01:32, by XxFaithxX | #151 "_SGHeroes_" is Recruiting !!! | 08.30, 14:30 | 101 | _YuaNx_ | 12.10, 00:58, by sjb50 | new clan recruiting | 12.09, 22:25 | 1 |  shadow1293 | 12.09, 22:25, by  shadow1293 | #180 WarriorsLT renka kariauna (recruting) | 12.02, 13:51 | 3 | hashshashin | 12.09, 19:46, by hashshashin |