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..... this is only part complaint lol08.23, 09:555FallenPride08.25, 11:43, by #7382DeasprateDesire
Clan membership08.25, 11:002#4201speed_dragon08.25, 11:12, by Aravil
Nuevo clan Los Guerreros del Reino Olvidado08.25, 00:331Dramia08.25, 00:33, by Dramia
want to join Greek Heroes clan08.24, 17:092herc2k08.24, 19:57, by thrax
clan membership08.24, 13:443#4201speed_dragon08.24, 14:03, by Aravil
The German Clan in Game07.12, 17:2811Cybertec08.22, 23:00, by Lord Nightlifeman
#136 Dragon Heroes --- The Chinese Clan08.22, 21:571#7279Lord binghuo08.22, 21:57, by #7279Lord binghuo
clan name08.22, 03:249Lord Geia08.22, 19:20, by Lord Geia
Great member who's looking for clans.08.21, 14:308jon8708.21, 23:59, by Lord Agelage
Clan recruiting --> HERE <--06.06, 15:5055Lord dArtagnan08.21, 23:59, by Lord Agelage
Skilled heroes of might and magic player lfc level 408.18, 18:383tazp12308.19, 02:37, by Aravil
help07.31, 09:054Lord adam1208.17, 21:01, by Lord Concorde
The most popular clans08.17, 11:2011Lord Warlord08.17, 13:36, by #7490Vitzyas
limits08.17, 07:152Lord dynastyera08.17, 07:49, by Lord Ironfist
Level 3 Knight looking for clan08.09, 19:075Borenith08.17, 06:03, by Sg_Necromancer
Is there a clan called Lords of The Rings or Middle earth?08.16, 16:135Bladeguy08.17, 05:01, by Bladeguy
Questions about registering clan08.16, 20:303XxFaithxX08.17, 02:28, by XxFaithxX
#142 Pheonix Birgade08.15, 03:274#7365PheonixHunter08.16, 20:35, by #7365PheonixHunter
#151 _SGHeroes_08.01, 11:4413YuaNx08.16, 17:54, by Sg_Necromancer
Indian Clan....PLZ REPLY08.12, 10:293#4201speed_dragon08.13, 11:12, by #4201speed_dragon
#141 the Black hearted08.12, 10:161Lord waric08.12, 10:16, by Lord waric
multiple clans08.12, 06:302Lord snower08.12, 07:13, by Lord Genadzz
#109 Anarchy05.29, 17:5610Lord TiKiR08.08, 09:18, by Lord Sagaro
#100 Horde05.06, 16:1249Lord Bleeth08.06, 11:46, by Lord Sergh_hw
#112 Shadow Realms06.24, 07:475Morak08.04, 19:24, by SlyCivilian
#104 Mirkwood05.22, 03:473Lord Leshiy08.04, 08:13, by __Leya__
#139 Mighty warriors of Humanity08.01, 10:431imsunny08.01, 10:43, by imsunny
NEW clan Valhalla had opened.07.26, 23:154dartwador208.01, 07:37, by CikSifux
French clan from Great capital #14807.27, 11:412Weolyn07.30, 18:12, by #7490Lord samlonewolf
Skunders Scourge07.30, 06:061Lord dynastyera07.30, 06:06, by Lord dynastyera

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