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[Sell] [Thief dagger] [E10A6W7F7][28/60] [290k]01.25, 07:5642Erekose03.04, 10:01, by Erekose
[SELL][Thief Dagger][no mods][60/60][29k]03.04, 03:393Lord DarkAdo03.04, 07:24, by Lord DarkAdo
[Sell][Thief Set][289k]02.29, 09:156darku03.03, 11:03, by Lady magistrian
[buy]thief art below 7k for any dura03.02, 15:184technoscarlet03.03, 10:06, by technoscarlet
[buy][thief dagger][4x10][x/60]12.19, 20:4272Lord LORD_Destruktor03.03, 08:53, by Lord LORD_Destruktor
[Sell]Mithril longsword [E7A7W7][58/64]03.02, 11:392darku03.02, 11:46, by Lord Atheros
Buy Thief Crossbow03.01, 15:503Lord DarkAdo03.02, 07:23, by Lord DarkAdo
[Sell][Thief Amulet][60/60][55k]02.25, 10:1316Lord DaveM03.01, 14:03, by Lord DaveM
[SELL] Tactician ring of wisdom [75/75]02.26, 16:199Lord Yog-Sothoth02.28, 07:23, by Yuri_Gagarin
[buy][thief weapons][10-40%][x/xx]02.28, 06:041Kpitolak02.28, 06:04, by Kpitolak
[Sell][Thief arts 7/9][57/60][Low price - 210,000]02.25, 14:174Lord ostipko02.26, 10:55, by Lord ostipko
Tactician ring of wisdom on marked02.26, 09:052#4201KINGJEMH02.26, 09:31, by Lord l-xXx-l
[sell][Dragon`s fang]02.21, 11:025Lord vishnus02.24, 17:15, by #7153Flour
[SELL]Tactitian baton 75/7502.21, 11:142Lord Yog-Sothoth02.21, 14:20, by Lord Yog-Sothoth
[Sell][Thief Amulet][60/60][59K]02.07, 21:4238#7705Lord BrownBear02.19, 16:07, by #7705Lord BrownBear
[Sell][Thief ring, mask][60/60][55k and 16k]02.01, 22:2324Lord Craig08002.18, 21:52, by Lord Craig080
[SELL][7 Thief arts][PRICE - 220,000]02.15, 15:383Knight_of_life02.17, 12:58, by Lord ostipko
[SELL][Thief amulet 57/60][Price- 53.000]02.16, 15:394Lord ostipko02.17, 12:06, by Knight_of_life
[SELL] [Thief Dagger / Thief Amulet] [Full Dura]02.05, 15:397MrOnion02.14, 13:31, by MrOnion
[Sell] [Thief Boots] [D1A2][57/60] [21,000]01.23, 19:5036KnightofDusk02.12, 17:38, by KnightofDusk
[Sell][Thief mask][37/60][7K]02.12, 11:173Roman-Centurion02.12, 11:34, by Roman-Centurion
[SELL][Assailant Poleaxe 28/28][Thief Cloak 52/58][50K]02.11, 04:181yinYang02.11, 04:18, by yinYang
[selling] Thief artifacts (not full set) Not bad prices!02.06, 19:046Lord ostipko02.10, 20:12, by Lord ostipko
[Sell][Thief arts][21/60][44000]02.08, 09:061Lady Queen02.08, 09:06, by Lady Queen
[sell][unholy blackshard][0/10][4000]02.06, 17:091dunga_ronaldo02.06, 17:09, by dunga_ronaldo
[Exchange][Thief amulet,dagger][60/60][85000]02.05, 14:253Lord niranjan200902.05, 15:39, by Lord niranjan2009
[Buy]Tactician arts02.05, 14:041awiz02.05, 14:04, by awiz
[Exchange][Thief amulet][60/60]02.04, 10:275Lord niranjan200902.05, 07:08, by Lord niranjan2009
[Sell][Infernal helmet 100/100][550k]02.04, 01:171--PUKS---PAKS--02.04, 01:17, by --PUKS---PAKS--
Sale02.03, 13:153Homly02.03, 13:41, by #4201Magier

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