Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles <|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55|56|>
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intentional loses | 03.11, 10:45 | 1 | Lord KiLlArMy_Juni | 03.11, 10:45, by Lord KiLlArMy_Juni | Multis battling each other | 03.08, 17:16 | 11 |  Flour | 03.09, 00:07, by Lord aziel | Name calling | 03.08, 11:22 | 5 | Born_2_Rule | 03.08, 13:17, by Born_2_Rule | Fixed Fights | 03.07, 05:22 | 2 | BreakingSkies | 03.07, 05:28, by BreakingSkies | AFK in hunt | 03.06, 19:04 | 1 | Zbrojovak1 | 03.06, 19:04, by Zbrojovak1 | AFK in combat | 03.06, 10:05 | 1 | the_spark | 03.06, 10:05, by the_spark | AFK when loosing | 03.06, 08:39 | 1 | the_spark | 03.06, 08:39, by the_spark | Calling me a foul word in battle just becoz he lost. | 03.05, 06:43 | 3 | Doc-X-V-3 | 03.05, 13:42, by Doc-X-V-3 | Intentional delayin card game | 03.04, 14:29 | 3 | GKH | 03.04, 14:33, by GKH | Flooding with mails | 03.02, 15:37 | 14 | Bantex | 03.03, 20:27, by  Lord cantbstopped | AFK in Ambush | 03.03, 10:18 | 1 |  Elven_Lord | 03.03, 10:18, by  Elven_Lord | Insulting words for me on his profile page | 03.02, 19:36 | 3 | ElfPride | 03.02, 21:44, by ElfPride | Flodding my log after losing in combat | 03.02, 19:23 | 1 | ElfPride | 03.02, 19:23, by ElfPride | AFK PROBLEM | 03.02, 14:11 | 1 | schen | 03.02, 14:11, by schen | Flooding in battle | 03.02, 13:22 | 1 | the_spark | 03.02, 13:22, by the_spark | whole team were afk | 03.02, 10:12 | 2 | Lord nimakiller | 03.02, 10:12, by Lord nimakiller | Flooding in battlechat | 03.01, 15:54 | 5 | Born_2_Rule | 03.01, 16:19, by Lord pgcoolguy97 | Insulting in battle chat | 03.01, 12:08 | 2 | Lord ostipko | 03.01, 12:25, by Lord BankLWM1 | Afk in the hunt | 02.29, 20:44 | 3 | Zbrojovak1 | 03.01, 05:59, by Zbrojovak1 | International spam during the hunt and the provocation | 02.29, 16:34 | 2 | Zbrojovak1 | 02.29, 17:14, by Zbrojovak1 | Insults in battle | 02.28, 23:01 | 1 | Lord DecayWolf | 02.28, 23:01, by Lord DecayWolf | Swearing in tavern | 02.28, 15:08 | 1 | Lord _force_ | 02.28, 15:08, by Lord _force_ | afk in combat | 02.28, 11:28 | 1 | cargo456 | 02.28, 11:28, by cargo456 | Flooding in Transferlogs | 02.28, 06:50 | 1 | Born_2_Rule | 02.28, 06:50, by Born_2_Rule | Insults in battle | 02.27, 19:36 | 2 |  Lord bubu20 | 02.27, 19:44, by  Lord Patrickou | Proposal lose the fight | 02.27, 12:34 | 1 | necro_on_fire | 02.27, 12:34, by necro_on_fire | intentionaly going afk | 02.23, 15:11 | 3 | Lord pgcoolguy97 | 02.27, 00:17, by  Lord cantbstopped | 1 player afk delibrately | 02.25, 03:48 | 2 | executioner99 | 02.27, 00:08, by  Lord cantbstopped | flooding in battle. | 02.26, 21:06 | 3 | Lord TasKurPavaro | 02.26, 23:48, by Lord Jedi-Knight | insults in group battle | 02.26, 19:17 | 5 | Lady Apos | 02.26, 20:29, by Pastak |