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All about Tribals faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorAll about Tribals faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy

Just arrived at level 11 and I think I will get some Sky Shamans.

How good are they? With Sacrifice Goblin ability it seems you can make them really strong, both versatile in casting and later attacking. Should I max them out?

What's your experience with them?
skyshaman is good because of +1 ini but sacrifice goblin is only usefull in pvp defense build...overall i wouldn't spend diamond on them better save for warlord

diamond worth upgrades: enforcer>warlord>outriders>UFC>skyshaman>wyvern>trappers
Which factions are the biggest danger for tribal at lvl 16+ ?
(what do tribals hate to have as opponent in CG and survilurg battles?)
Is it chaos magic only? Or can for example elf be a... bit challenging?

I am going to switch to tribal after demon fl 12. Most likely i will build some resistance for 2 or 3 factions first.
battle wizard,charmer elf,tactic DE
cool, thanks.
It seems tribal and demon have the same nemeses with current availability of alts.

What is the highest moral one can get on sky shamans?
Is the morale capped? or is morale gained by sacrifice goblin valid for a certain number of turns only?
max morale gained on skyshaman is 7 and stays til end of battle but of course max working morale is 5
Which factions are the biggest danger for tribal at lvl 16+ ?
depend on your build.
Tip's/Strategy for doing tg at lv13 as Tribal with low faction level?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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