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#7331 Clan of Heroes

 299 heroes

 » Leader: nobodiez

 » Chronicler: Truin, lordshan
 » Herald: Truin, lordshan

 » Clan page: http://dragonwarriors.ucoz.com/
 » Log

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Welcome to #331 Clan of Heroes home page<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

-Clan Welcomes all the visitors for their home page and many of you are willing to join us to share our power.

So conditions for joining are:-

-1500 gold recruiting fee, no taxes ever
-Not banned more than 2 times.
-Transfer 1500 gold to recruiter first and then have the invitation to clan.
-No illegal transfer, if had then tell administrators to pardon you for your mistake.

Now you are introduced with our rules of joining.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Features of our Clan<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Trophy Hall:

Master hunter amulet
Goblin`s bludgeon
Assailant`s poleax
Beastbane shield
Master hunter ring of flight

All Trophy's has been Gifted By our mikey0413.

Advantages of Joining the Clan:-

-There are Many Advantages:
-Like Becoming More Popular in the Game
-Gain Money by Participation in Clan Tournaments
-Knowing Other Lords of the Game.
-Clan Smith and Enchanting Smith at a very Low price.
-Clan Artifacts Rent's in a Low price.

Friendly Clans's
#167 Elite Heroes of India
#594 dragon's slayers
#701 Goldmill
#660 The Imperial Army of Light and Darkness
#385 Blazing warriors

________________________________________CLAN SERVICES ___________________________________________


Brillant 90% Cost 110%

cooldudexxx 80% Cost 70% ONLY !!


Weapon Enchanter - cooldudexxx
Only Elements Needed

Armor Enchanting- Brillant
100 % Cost Cost 80 %


cooldudexxx : For All Hunter& Warrior Artifacts ( Level 5- 12)

Brilliant: For All Types of Magical Artifacts ( Level 9- 15)

TOPSHE: Makes animated avatars only 500 gold for one and some knowledge about type of avatar.

TH3K: Clan avatar Maker. Contact him for offers


1.No foul language.
2. Never go AFK in Combats, Unless Problems like Power cut, bad Weather.
3. Be active, 12 months maximum offline period allowed.

1. Any member willing to join must pay 1500 gold to you.
2.When you ask for someone to join our clan and he accepts he must first pay the gold and after that you recruit him, not the opposite way, otherwise you take the risk to waste 500 gold (invitation's cost) of your own balance.
3.Any hero must be of level 5 or more in order to join our clan.
4. If you recruit a player of level 10 + or higher you can keep 500 gold instead of 300 and send the rest 1000 to the Treasurer.
6. NEVER evict, withdraw invitation or change the description of any ordinary member of the clan without the Clan Director
7. Never invite heroes that have been Band by Administration for more than 3 Times.

* Breaking any of these Rules, will Charge- 1000 Gold.

1.Never change the main profile of the clan wihtout the Clan Director permission.
2.If you wish to advertise a personal offer of buying or selling any item let any chronicler know it and he/she will post the info at the clan's page.
3. Chronicler are not Allowed to Post Abusive Letters on the Clan Main Page.

-binghuo: Repair 90% for 110% cost, armor enchant 4*20% for FREE
-Brilliant: Repair 90% 110% cost, Jewel enchant 4*20%; just provide required elements
-Hallion91: Repair 60% (70% cost) W:5% A:8% J:10%
-golovolom: Avatar Creator
->cooldudexxx: Animated Avatar Creator
---------------------------------------------Clan Ranking-------------------------------------------

----- Supreme Major Clan Commander: 1000+ points
----- Major Hero: 800+ points
-----God/Goddess of Heroes: 500+ points
-----King/Queen Hero: 400+ points
-----Prince/Princess Hero: 300+ points
-----Protector of Heroes: 250+ points
-----Hero of Civilization: 200+ points
-----Hero of Empires: 150+ points
-----Hero of Destiny: 100+ points
-----Hero of Fate: 75+ points
-----Master Hero: 50+ points
-----Warlord Hero: 40+ points
-----Brute Hero: 30+ points
-----Great Hero: 20+ points
-----Hero: 10+ points
-----Rising Hero: 5+ points
-----Young Hero: 1+ points

---Point System:
-1 point for every 1,000 gold donated to the clan
-1 point for every player you recruit into the clan
-Clan tournaments can give u points
-Donating resources, elements, potions, and arts 1 point for every 750 gold value
-Other clan events

*Levels 10+ heroes get a title with 0 points(Young Hero)
*Levels 14+ heroes get a title with 0 points(Rising Hero)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!Activities Going on Now!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

-Upcoming Mystery Tournament.. 350 members

1.Offline nobodiez 12 Clan leader =] 
2.Offline Delta369 14 Blocked By Empire 
3.Offline Jadogar 13 Wizard of #490 European Foreign Legion 
4.Offline #4201romeo88 15 Young Hero 
5.Offline MiAlso 10 Hero(10 points) 
6.Offline DraCola 7 Hero: 10+ points 
7.Offline ENTOMO 6 Rising Hero 
8.Offline Truin 7 Hero: 10+ points 
9.Offline HgaENppeRrY_280 9  
10.Offline KinG_THAILAND 6  
11.Offline FastGambler1980 11 Player Blocked By Empire 
12.Offline Amirul_Hazim99 6  
13.Offline KObadger 7  
14.Offline Yuen1st 8 Character Left Game on 21:10, 10-19-10 
15.Offline demonchild666 9 Helper of Clan Society Progress Team 
16.Offline ianjohn 5 Character Left Game on 11:36, 12-12-10 
17.Offline #7382anaka97 8 Hero: 10+ points 
18.Offline cspker 9  
19.Offline ipbi 9  
20.Offline rombus1 14 Hero: 10+ points 
21.Offline Cathleens 6 Hero: 10+ points 
22.Offline MassMuderer 7 Hero: 10+ points 
23.Offline Abel_Nightroad 9 Hero: 10+ points 
24.Offline zUka95 7 Hero: 10+ points 
25.Offline taptapper 6 Hero: 10+ points 
26.Offline yf605020 8 Player with -33,897 Penalty 
27.Offline RaWrKiki 5 Hero: 10+ points 
28.Offline sihi 7  
29.Offline crossville 6  
30.Offline nwm123 8 Hero of Destiny (140 points) 
31.Offline Dennis325 10 Young Hero 
32.Offline BumsenBarb 7  
33.Offline lakerfield 5  
34.Offline Ellina 8  
35.Offline hellsfirestorm 7  
36.Offline baby-ice 8 Hero (10 points) 
37.Offline pavan_chennam 7 Young Hero(1 points) 
38.Offline neilc 8  
39.Offline dennis15 8  
40.Offline baby-ace 6  
41.Offline gerasim99 6  
42.Offline Wanderlei 8  
43.Offline Fantom35 7  
44.Offline glp12 9  
45.Offline Queen_of_Shine 13 Young Hero 
46.Offline Puniasterus 8  
47.Offline BaNZeR 9  
48.Offline gates12 12  
49.Offline Asanc 7  
50.Offline Yuyu12 10 Young Hero 
51.Offline okakrismawan 8  
52.Offline Lord samlee 14  
53.Offline Unfinished_X 5  
54.Offline saksham-4 10 Young Hero 
55.Offline 412is 6  
56.Offline Lord FreEzY 6  
57.Offline yuka6 5  
58.Offline _KeJsI_999 6  
59.Offline Zzzed 7  
60.Offline Magical_Me 8  
61.Offline RedEyesKoy 10 Young Hero 
62.Offline timijs16 6  
63.Offline Lagenda 10 Young Hero 
64.Offline Auroralana 6 (200 gold) 
65.Offline dunga_ronaldo 9  
66.Offline Lord anshsinghal 7 (200 gold) 
67.Offline reniyxcv 10 Hero (14 points) 
68.Offline BiawakJahat 8  
69.Offline nakra 7  
70.Offline Lord Kaningann 13 Young Hero 
71.Offline kumanza 7  
72.Offline achap_chin 6  
73.Offline jabib_25 6  
74.Offline Kubizek 10  
75.Offline brezovica 5  
76.Offline JR-1 8  
77.Offline Araldite 7  
78.Offline Ghost33 8  
79.Offline boog12423 9  
80.Offline LordNicholas 8  
81.Offline bloodelf13 6  
82.Offline arogorn 6  
83.Offline Ballisto 8  
84.Offline AK1585 7  
85.Offline Lord Hallion91 15 Repair Smith (60% efficiency at 70% repair cost) 
86.Offline pizza-man 8  
87.Offline #7382Haru_Glory 12 (Assistant clan leader)(114 points) 
88.Offline chaerul 13 Young Hero 
89.Offline #7279I_am_yes 11 Recruiter (Young Hero)(5 points) Knight 
90.Offline Barbar_Conan 8  
91.Offline LEFT2 6  
92.Offline Molesta 6  
93.Offline Raunts97 6  
94.Offline deathriper 5  
95.Offline MiloradDodik 7  
96.Offline zeek50 7 Recruiter (Brute Hero)(31 points) 
97.Offline THE-IRON-CROSS 6  
98.Offline Goy 7  
99.Offline K_ALIREZA 8  
100.Offline dreadlordng 5  
101.Offline Lord GdEtO-TaM 7  
102.Offline Cossack_Mamay 6  
103.Offline elvo99 6  
104.Offline george99 9  
105.Offline Lord -Js- 7  
106.Offline Lord morkans 9 Recruiter (Hero)(18 points) 
107.Offline Assassin_Lord 5  
108.Offline lonthrorial 5  
109.Offline Darkmane 10  
110.Offline Darth_deception 6 Recruiter 
111.Offline mikey0413 10 Promoted to C.S.H By Clan Meetings 
112.Offline bruteogre 8  
113.Offline dark_3LFS 6  
114.Offline fuzzyvortex 8  
115.Offline tripleAbeast 5  
116.Offline VIDHARTH 9  
117.Offline Lord great_barb 13 #701 Goldmill 
118.Offline udaychandh 6  
119.Offline Ntion 6  
120.Offline gadalf_ 5  
121.Offline benyboy7 7  
122.Offline fadhli 5  
123.Offline ritik11 8  
124.Offline Lord FlameGod 6  
125.Offline girmi9 7  
126.Offline Eragon003 10  
127.Offline johndoe9002 7 Young Hero 
128.Offline matrixsteve 7 Recruiter (Young Hero)(4 points) 
129.Offline mock2 8  
130.Offline SweetKate77 7  
131.Offline hmod2020 6  
132.Offline XboxVillainA 10 Young Hero (1 point) 
133.Offline CamexX 5  
134.Offline WAR_10CK 7  
135.Offline barb_ 5  
136.Offline zhenwei94 6  
137.Offline the_killix 13  
138.Offline Survivor14 5  
139.Offline El_Sidi 9  
140.Offline yoey 7  
141.Offline Adamantioss 8  
142.Offline Infamousmagi 5  
143.Offline #7395Lord MrsGioco 8  
144.Offline Lightning_Blade 6  
145.Offline minecraft 5  
146.Offline r33p3r5 5  
147.Offline simetheslime 10 Hero (15 Points) 
148.Offline Lord Lord_slayer 5 Young Hero(3 points) 
149.Offline eway 7  
150.Offline khizar3919 7  
151.Offline alpha0police 5  
152.Offline TV10 5  
153.Offline #7279Are_you_ok 7  
154.Offline DAS-REICH 7 Promoted to C.S.H By Clan Meetings 
155.Offline DEVNATH 6  
156.Offline lordshan 11 Assistant (Warlord Hero)(44 points) 
157.Offline Lordofwizard99 5 Blocked By Empire 
158.Offline shanking12 7  
159.Offline secretindian 6  
160.Offline boomerman 6  
161.Offline Lord auris666 7  
162.Offline soruast 6  
163.Offline dari 6  
164.Offline Black-Ops 9  
165.Offline H4bro 7  
166.Offline Legend_100 7 Blocked By Empire 
167.Offline shardule 10 Young Hero 
168.Offline kakanko 8  
169.Offline namy131 7 Young Hero (1 point) 
170.Offline DragonBlaze 9 Promoted to C.S.H By Clan Meetings 
171.Offline black_giga 6 Promoted to C.S.H By Clan Meetings 
172.Offline srtksc 8  
173.Offline Danthin 6 Rising Hero(5 points) 
174.Offline Shorty5225 5  
175.Offline Keefo14 5  
176.Offline iranpouya 9 Promoted to C.S.H By Clan Meetings 
177.Offline #7181jetmar 10 Young Hero 
178.Offline Lord Last_warrior 8  
179.Offline lighting-fast 7 Promoted to C.S.H By Clan Meetings 
180.Offline joechue 9  
181.Offline Sarcasm 5  
182.Offline desiladka 5  
183.Offline NJAIN 6  
184.Offline katalizator87 7  
185.Offline Jachu123 6  
186.Offline ngajoot 7  
187.Offline K-rock 8  
188.Offline puya-junior 7  
189.Offline Frelle1 5  
190.Offline Elitespartan95 6  
191.Offline HunterSGL 8  
192.Offline Bohush14 5  
193.Offline kunal06_a 7  
194.Offline Helboros 5  
195.Offline lordlk 6  
196.Offline sparhawk87 6  
197.Offline djoker7 5  
198.Offline jon17 7  
199.Offline monkey96 6  
200.Offline nasya_faza 5  
201.Offline cookie97 6  
202.Offline xtommy123 5  
203.Offline GIORGOS123 5  
204.Offline facebook1 5  
205.Offline Lord __DestroyeR__ 5  
206.Offline #7153BigDD 10 Young Hero 
207.Offline tarar 11  
208.Offline sandro22 11  
209.Offline shadow9797 5  
210.Offline #7181knight-noname1 11 Young Hero 
211.Offline Lord Darkstone14 7  
212.Offline Lord torca 5  
213.Offline Cenequus 5  
214.Offline Brutus010 9  
215.Offline vasiguy 5  
216.Offline Lord SirAlquimista 10 Young Hero 
217.Offline MoOn_BaNdIt 5  
218.Offline magiman 7  
219.Offline Lord sandis1993 7  
220.Offline chachu 8  
221.Offline chitrarmk 8  
222.Offline THE--BLITZ 9 Warning Given By Clan Director 
223.Offline shanmughavel 7  
224.Offline Crazyfroggy 9  
225.Offline deadliest222 6  
226.Offline Fector 8  
227.Offline Mummy_Nanna 6  
228.Offline Zilgen 16  
229.Offline time-bandit 5  
230.Offline dark_shah 7  
231.Offline yayangs 6  
232.Offline deademon 5  
233.Offline C4508 7  
234.Offline Lady a_elf 6  
235.Offline Lord Tyzon27 7  
236.Offline Thedark_warrior 7  
237.Offline Lord pasha74 7  
238.Offline Odeta 6  
239.Offline King_Shashwat 7  
240.Offline derrick120 7  
241.Offline Th3k 5 The Best Avatar Maker in the Game 
242.Offline stauros_knight 8  
243.Offline Gsuwit 13  
244.Offline articdom 8  
245.Offline Antartican 10 Member Joint By Clan Director's Permission 
246.Offline niyu 12  
247.Offline someone231 5  
248.Offline Lord BoWs-KiLL-Demon 7  
249.Offline zedro 6  
250.Offline #7181iulius-c 10  
251.Offline smartwarrior1 7  
252.Offline Haunted_Ninja 6  
253.Offline barbarian_lt 6  
254.Offline #7382knight999999 7  
255.Offline santux2 6  
256.Offline AllenNecro 7  
257.Offline goblin_rascal 7  
258.Offline merdoc 7  
259.Offline Bugis 10  
260.Offline raggmunk666 7  
261.Offline Lord XXX_DALTON_44 7  
262.Offline Dragon_Rider 9  
263.Offline dargo2 8  
264.Offline KratusWar 5  
265.Offline Mistisc 11  
266.Offline Djukduro 8  
267.Offline TheSilentkiller 12 Young Hero 
268.Offline _TheShaman_ 14 #695 The Dungeon 
269.Offline GapperMan 9 VIP!! 
270.Offline harshnarayan 11  
271.Offline Canitova 7  
272.Offline ragtail 8  
273.Offline Sulacidar 6  
274.Offline kingsrbest 9  
275.Offline Borohan 16 Young Hero 
276.Offline WARSER 10  
277.Offline Lord Shocknero 9  
278.Offline stargazer32 7  
279.Offline Trolemp 6  
280.Offline killermasta7 7  
281.Offline blackops- 6  
282.Offline Lord LordR 9  
283.Offline MidouBan 5  
284.Offline omarramo4 7  
285.Offline indrek5 10  
286.Offline naveen1036 7  
287.Offline VAGOSKILLER19 6  
288.Offline hossy3 8  
289.Offline SachinNarayan 11  
290.Offline darkslayer590 5  
291.Offline Glenwing 7  
292.Offline Topseh 14  
293.Offline Dragoncrush 5  
294.Offline harry123456 6  
295.Offline feza2 5  
296.Offline #7382Rocket-Knight 9  
297.Offline DE_Lord_of_wam 14  
298.Offline henerders 10  
299.Offline #9595Lord thanderbolt 13 Recruiter 
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