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Games other than Roulette


AuthorGames other than Roulette
-1 for blackjack it is same as roulette based on luck only
-1 chess not all players play or know that game and people who play it for ages would have big edge
-1 same goes for poker but i don t agree that you can t read in this game if you know how to play it
+1 for chess.

This is a stretegy game, so chess will be great here.

chess would be awesome
+1 for chess
Would be an awesome sight to have chess pieces resembling your faction :D
btw,do u guys really think lordswm got this much money to upgrade???????
maybe u should donate some if u want these features.....P
chess... very interesting
I know person who have 140th place in my country
I will talk with him and i will have a lot of cash :P
+1 blackjack
@ Danzi: Blackjack isn't the same as roulette, and it's not based on luck only. And even if it was; there's a VAST improvement in player-edge odds.

I don't want poker either, though. Like I said, when you can't see the other players in game, that takes the psychology out of the equation. Ergo; it's no longer poker.

I'm fifty-fifty on chess - I personally love the game and would love it here, but I realize it's gonna take a lot of work to add it as a feature. I'll keep wishing, but I'm okay either way.

Which is why Blackjack is my favourite vote right now. It's much easier to implement and it brings that extra awesome with its gambling element.

Or maybe we could come up with our own gambling game that mixes logic and gives fair odds. Something small and easy to integrate to the site. I'd help with that if needed - I'm familiar (scratch that; OBSESSED WITH) any and all kinds of card, board and gambling games. Inventing a new one would be a challenge, but not impossible.
in .ru this topic is in the ban-clip, you offer this idea, you get a ban. i wonder why here it is still not :)
you want to play chess - go play chess. nobody keeps you
-1 to any gamble based activities....
in .ru this topic is in the ban-clip, you offer this idea, you get a ban.

I didn't know that - and I've read all the rules lists here; I don't remember seeing that one. What's .ru and where's this written?
+1 for chess
for Tukaram: sorry for a confusion, it is not a message for you directly, nor the comment on your rules knowledge; i just note that ban-clip here (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832843) is longing for an update with the topic you created, because it is among the most frequently offered ones. .ru is /heroeswm.ru/, the original server of this game, fully in russian.
and the admin note there (in I&S) says as follows: the ideas which the administration is familiar with, their repeated requests is prohibited. item 49. make other games in a tavern.

maybe - just maybe - lords will be the happy server and receive other games in a tavern, different from the original .ru ones, but i really doubt this.
That link leads to the "Upcoming Features" thread, which I did read before posting. And it doesn't have the item you speak of. There are only 13 "Under preparation items" and 15 "Multiple proposals" each. There's no 49. Make other games in the Tavern. Is the I&S in .ru different from ours? If it is, I'm just sorry I brought it up.

And my voted request is for a blackjack table / some other gambling game along with roulette; not the Tavern thing.
for Tukaram:
well, it is quite the same there as it is here, but it there has 72 Multiple proposals and 19 Upcoming Features, besides there is unclipped topic which covers most of the frequent-proposed ideas (around hundred).and this topic (blackjack especially) is usually offered there maybe twice a week :) just for the note. and as for my voted request is for a blackjack table / some other gambling game along with roulette; - these are all tavern games, because all games are in a tavern :).

Texas hold'em poker will be good too
+1 Chess to be collected/bought in-game
+1 to chess
the creatures in that should be like the ones in this game or maybe based on one's faction ;)
+1 to chess (I love to play chess since I was 3 years old)
but does lordswm will really put chess in tavern???
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