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Wizard Faction , all about it


AuthorWizard Faction , all about it

Do modern golems retal to the Assault ability of lizards assaillants?
Nope, they wont.
Wizard on high levels is useless unless you skill to melee wizard without magic. But there your units are too weak against all other factions.
So enjoy wizard on hunts and ambushes in low levels. On high levels I would recommend to change the faction if you want to be successfull.
well, negative opinions also can be considered

high level wiz become harder vs caravans ,but good at mg ,some kinds of hunts,pvp . just find your good way to enjoy them :-)

if 4th magics r interduced , it's another story ...
I enjoyed doing hunts as Might wizard.
Summoning phantoms of genies/Sphynx and having that lucky strike is very exciting.
Ofcourse, it comes down to personal preference.

Being magic wizard all the time is rather bland.
Maybe that might wiz is tronger with sphynx, but at lvl 10, I'm doing better at hunts as a low faction level necro...
Actually, its lorekeepers which are such an asset.
2-3 stacks of 4 lores can give enough chastise for genies, sphynxes, gargoyles and their phantoms.
hi am a new wiz. :)
i like stay back and use magic but in hunts my damege aren't 3x :( i dont understand why cuz another wiz are duing 3x damege of the spell fx. magic arrow 60 damage using in a hunt 180 damage what should i do? plz help :)

Wizard: 0 (1.04) +19.0

Your spells are increased by 50% of base damage for each faction level.
faction level 1 : spells will do 1.5 base dmg
faction level 2 : spells will do 2 base dmg
faction level 3 : spells will do 2.5 base dmg

You need to work hard to have stronger spells against neutrals.
for Slust:
Maybe that might wiz is tronger with sphynx, but at lvl 10, I'm doing better at hunts as a low faction level necro...

hmm....maybe the lv higher the better for might build , because super mini-arts... the genies r very damage..
and u can cast expert mass blowing from lv11 above :)
What skills are best for lvl 8?
Wizard skill = 4
HG = 4
LG = 4
MG = 2
desided to do calculations by myself)
If i wear only Staff of power
a) SP=10; K=5 (75mana: intelect+sorcery) = 121*3*15= 5,445
b) SP=8; K=5 (50 mana: Advansed chaos) = 135*3*10= 4,050
c) SP=8; K=5 (50 mana: mana regen + basic chaos) = 117*13*3= 4,563
but (After 20 rounds, speed +2 = but dmg 5,616) (After 30 rounds, speed +3 = but dmg 7,020)

B could be used for short hunts. A for harder onse. And C against creatures like zombies, farmers.
So, could enyone check for mistakes in my calculations?
P.S Sory for gramar mistakes :)
for Vindrider:
u can try erudition + mana regen , +2 to SP .
a little better than choice C in low SP ages.
it's suitable to many cases :)
hi Wizard is lols
best talent setups for me with staff of power are:

a) mana recovery and basic erudition
b) intellect and basic sorcery
c) dominion of life and basic sorcery

A is my main setup, used against all kinds of hunts, especially hard ones
B is for hunts and mercs where i know i won't need much mana
C is rarely used, only in hunts of creatures with magic shield, such as golems, senior genies, etc.

when you have high spell power, you might want to experiment with chaos magic, but otherwise its not as useful as erudition.

increase in base damage by erudition = 2*11 = 22 damage
increase in base damage by basic chaos = 2*(SP+1), i.e. better at spell powers of more than 10. keep in mind though, that this prevents you from taking intellect, although you can take mana recovery.
I've got 1 question:
What faction is easiest to beat as I am 5 lvl wizard?
i think knights
and dark elves
as bow men of knights can easily be finished with some magic and the magic if the magi's
while the rogues will also be finished off like this.
but for winning from these also u should have at least 6 or 5 spell power.
Thanks Pranju now i am mainly hunting for money to buy some artifacts I just wanted to know ;p
knights are easy bcoz you can always run from the swords with gargs, other units have low health and are easy to kill with magic.

dark elves are just generally bad on level 5 because their recruiting is very low.

i know it sounds impossible, but low-skill barbs can also be beaten, because their recruiting is also quite low.

elves are hard to beat because their druids kill the magi very quickly. even with health mini arts, one lightning from a druid will kill a mage, so they die quickly. then elven bowmen and (more likely) fks take care of the gargs and golems. druids are also good tanks which keep the elf alive.
druids are also good tanks which keep the elf alive.

Against Wizard that doesn't matter very much, elven bowmen get always killed partially/fully by mages/Wiz-hero before their 2nd turn.
Taking iniativiave-miniarts for your mages is very important, with extra 5% of iniative they more likely get turns before druids.
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