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Flooders Tenthouse


AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
can you not? what is creepy lol
the RNG has never been so good to me O.o
expect no arts fo a long time now :P
I know I know :'(
cloak of sun is like the best cloak out there. that's such a OP item
one more drop lol. keep it coming RNG
What art you getting?
around 5 GH, 1 MH and 1 BB art.
If you don't enter this tourney with good arts, no chance to win
Any tips on what I should have done here?

I had a decent start (I think) but then had no idea how to proceed
Accidentally went in with my TG build. Not so bad!
Gonna try it out again :D
for Loafoant:
Maybe try going attack build since lizards are going to wreck your defences anyways.
for Elvian: good point, but the defense build works well otherwise (or so I think). most opponents in this tourney seem to be using defense build (knight, DE, demon)
Most UN I've seen seem to go for attack build with luck talents. I'm not so sure how that would work with your level because you dont have demiliches for multiple raise.
I'm down to 0.2 workaholic, and a bit stuck. I keep missing the tournament enrollment window as I forget (or lost one when I did get in), but if I do any other battles I will level up to CL18 an cannot finish the torunament. Just hope I win my next fight.

Ho hum, tis only imaginary gold.
for Lord MilesTeg:
You can win a defence
Also ST I believe
Just win a quick hunt.
Yours must be slightly harder than mine, but you'll find a way :D
Really those do not level you up. Interesting, I wonder how far over the CL18 threshold I could get if I was disciplined with which battles I did.......

Can you also do campaign battles without levelling up?
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