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AuthorWizard's Artifact foundry
Is this worth it? and what exactly does it do?
Read where it says mini-artifacts.
It is worth it, but you need a LOT of money for it ;)
Artifact Foundry allows you to forge mini-artifacts for your troops. They can raise your creature's Attack, Defense, Speed, Hit Points, Morale, Luck, Initiative, Magic Resistance. Available bonuses and their quality depend on your Wizard skill. Additionally, you can forge multi-layered mini-artifacts on higher skill levels. Like double mini-artifacts on the 4th and triple on the 7th. (The cost of forging them increases accordingly).
They say, that mythical quadruple mini-artifacts exist, but the secret of creating them is lost in ages. Wizards of the whole Empire seek that knowledge long forgotten.. =)

The peculiarities of the forging process are listed here, in the corresponding section:

Forging mini-artifacts is not cheap - you'll need heaps of resources, but it pays off, in the long run. Mini-artifacts substitute for 'battle' artifacts of your hero (like chainmails, swords, etc.) allowing you to wear 'magic' artifacts (staffs, wizard caps and so on) instead. Thus you can focus on your hero's spell mastery =)
Or you can supplement your combat characteristics with mini's, if you choose to rely on your troops in battle.
It all depends on your playing style. Invent your personal 'key to victory' and forge the mini's-set that suits you best. Good luck in amassing the resources for your needs =)
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