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Authormy another hero is blocked
Why've blocked my other character (Osama_bin_Laden)? Really are you afraid of my name? Where is your American democracy which you advertise worldwide??... Or this democracy only for stupid crowd which understands nothing
05-24-08 00:22: Player blocked. // bad guy

This name will be probably blocked as well.

Just when you registrate put name that will not be offensive for other people, cause those names are really unpleasant for the whole world.

P.S Those are one of the biggest terrorists of the world.
American democracy has nothing to do with this game because it has been developed in Russia :)

Also, I totally agree with administration that such names are inappropriate in this game.
No one is afraid of your name. The description you put into your personal information is unacceptable according to the game rules. People come here to play a game.

You can play with this character of yours, as long as you comply with the rules.
I suggest you finally read them.

And Huntress is right, we don't have "American democracy" here ;)
That didn't work on you, did it? :( You just can't help posting political appeals in your personal info.
I'm sorry, but this is not acceptable here. Farewell.
closed by Arctic (2008-05-24 17:50:22)
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