Author | not a question just helping newcomers with shortcut talks. |
sorry for a off and stuff
afk:away from keyboard.
lol:laugh out lound.
gg:good game.
gf:good fight/girl friend.
lmao:laugh my a** off.
rofl:role on floor launging.
ftw:for the win.
wth:what the hell.
wtf:what the f***
fth:for the hord
fta:for the alliance
roflamo:role on floor laughing my a** off
thats all i could think of sorry for bad words again. |
How can i hunt? |
press map
and like once in the 40 minutes some monster will appear with gold
press attack and ull fight them |
40-60 minutues and if you pass by about 30-40
and i forgot 1
omg:oh my god. |
there's also also gl for good luck and hf for have fun) |
lol:laugh out lound.
Woot thats new ;)
Level 1 and 2 have reduced hunting times.. :) |
if you are walking on the map
you cant log out in those 2 minutes
bcz you cant go to your character page
so go to the url of ur internet
it should look like this
and change map to logout
so it becomes
else you have to w8 2 minutes til you can log out |
i already did lol and its not new..... |
u forgot gl(good luck) and hf(have fun) |
look at 5. |
and theres
idc:i dont care
idk:i dont know
nm:not much
vm:very much
noob:newcomer (in an offensive way.)
cc:critical chance
gm:games master
kk:k kool
woot: (something people say when they win and/or exitied
pvp: player vs player
pk: player killer/ player killing
done pretty much all i can think of rigt now.
write if you need info or just go yo the game info page at |
wow dint know der could be so many shortcuts |
afaik = as far as i know
and gm its gamemaster, but can also be guildmaster (or ur grandmother -.-'') |
k but i think you made up afaik. |
hah you forgot thx= thanks |
ty:thank you
dw:dont worry
gtg:got to go
g2g:got 2 go
brb:be right back. |
scroll a bit down, its in dutch, but translation is also in english in the table
most of them are there =) |
imho - in my humble opinion |