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AuthorDonation! Thoughts?

there is no thing like a free lunch,

actually, there is, you have a free lunch,
but do not expect that someone who pays for his lunch gets just the same as you get, enjoy your free lunch and stop whining.

my 2 brilliants
Just get rid of the option to build buildings earlier then i don't really mind
22: yea that's the only thing that bothers me about this
the more the game grows, the more people come here. and hopefully soon you'll thousands of rivals and allies to choose. And there will be enough players of any level of investment into this game - from zero to thousands of Euro. Just choose wisely and you'll never feel the lack of fun from this game (at least for some time).
Hi people...
It is clear that every work cost money .. I played lot of games which pretend to be for free and if you want to stay on "top" you need to pay (pay lot of money)
This game is IMHO best that i played and it was only matter of time when "PLUS ACCOUNT" will appear.
So, im for guild membering for money, nicer graphics etc., but lower level demands is UNFAIR! Its like you give a knight in middleage a machinegun!

Anyway thanks to HWM team for this "free" game :D
I think it's rather nice like that. I'd never believe a web-based game can exist where payment for advantages isn't at least possible, and I'm OK with it, as long as i don't have to pay to enjoy the game. The 1-2 level earlier building option seems kind of unbalancing, but well, i look at my opponents before joining/accepting a challenge, so avoiding those who paid a serious amount of money won't be too hard. if everyone does that (and in higher levels, most people do, i guess), it will actually be harder for those players to use their buildings to full advantage. The thief's guild invitation is incredibly expensive and will thus probably be mostly unused, and the only thing that really appeals to me personally is the better hunters license, but to use that fully, you'd have to play all day, in which case you probably already have an edge on most players...
why dont set small prices and make it common to buy diamonds
No, more cheap diamond same with more easy to upgrade building early and make more disbalance the game.

1 or 2 lvl earlier will not harm anyone if it will be cheap
new words in group battles and duels - "without bought units". Eap this was on .ru. Just new words adding to "no arts" "no afk" etc.
1 or 2 lvl earlier will not harm anyone if it will be cheap yeah not harm people who have RL to pay but harm to people who cant pay with RL money.. :p
25 euros for 2nd upgrade and 30 for 3rd!! anyone who donates this much money deserves to get them!
Some people have lots free time, and play hard to create strong character, but some people have work and family, this way (dotation) they may play against first one almost equal.
Don't forget that "diamond players" will have worst skills, becouse they have less battles.
Thrid option, players with free time, and diamonds, they are in all internet games, and unbalance games.
but a level 9 with appiratos/guard/GM of bow and so on is much stronger than an other level 9 with 1 more in racial skill 1 more in lab and 1 more in hunter guild...
maybe we're agree if there are no earlier level with diamond. however if u buy construction with diamond u don't loose ur gold so u still can buy arts or something but please no earlier level.
Donations ? You are kidding, right ? Donation is something that you give away for free and not expecting anything in return. Here you just force us to pay in order to be competitive and you are such hipocrites not admiting that.
it's fine to pay for extra perks..it was going to happen sooner or later..
does ppl actually think that someone will create a buisiness like this game and pay out of their own money to run it? must be mad,as long as the rich don't become untouchable i think it's fine,and i will put some money into this game but not vasts ammounts
They don't forget, that heroeswm team must pay for server and hosting.
well the server must be payed and i dont think that people that works to graphics and other things are free, so if i must choose to some players be stronger or the game be over, i rather players stronger. if people with upg buildings dont become too many the game will be just the same, so i think its ok; i want add that i've seen a lot of people complain about this but no one say one important thing: THE THIEF GUILD IS NOW OPEN; i know that 80 euro is much and a player can get only 2 thief invite and take some time for reach the necessary level, but hey... its a beginning :)
I think it's a great idea.
Hosting isn't cheap, even in Malaysia !

A shame tier 3 is only 1 level early by using diamonds when all the others are 2, 3, 2 levels early.

I bought some extra diamonds to convert to gold, but as yet have been unable to locate where & how I perform the conversion... anyone know?
Donation is not so bad. I am join thieves guild, for example.
But start of donation means that ammunition points in the near future would not be a simply numbers and every player who want to play frequently must be use donate button.
yeah and who cant pay with RL money will be leave this game one by one.. :p
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