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Authorhunts enemy strength
hi how is the average strength of hunt enemies calculated? because currently i can hardly win without assist. sometimes i lose even with assistance.

so im thinking about discarding those with red dot and exclamation mark... but.. (!)
Will they get even stronger if i discard like 100 fights?? are the stronger and stronger creeps standing in line?

or does it just depend on my hunt guild level..

greets wumzuk
its completely random
Every group you beat increases strength by 30% each time.

However, there are exceptions that you suddenly face 1/3 and 1/2 power groups. Victory over these does not increase the creatures strength next time.

If you are having trouble beating groups, either skip them or level up.
After 6 Giants you get 7 Giants.
After 7 Giants you get 10 Giants (not 8 or 9, why?)

So it is not the 30% rule.
Mmm, but really, after 6 Giants you get 7,8... And 7,8*1,3=10,14.
ok, i just need to be sure they dont get overall stronger when i skip.
Mmm, but really, after 6 Giants you get 7,8... And 7,8*1,3=10,14.

Nice explanation (I should have noticed it myself :) )
But ...
how you will explain that after 3 Giants I got 6 Giants?
And how you will explain this:
I got 500 rebels when it was the first battle with rebels!
(I had 2 battles vs rebels, both vs 500 rebels)

Moreover, 500 was TWICE more than in the first place!

(you can check my Combat log and you will see that I had never killed less than 500 rebels)
The hunt is et to random, if you want to know that you could take on the hunt very easily thencheck on the dot on the right side.

White dot - easily beaten without any sweat
Green dot - easy battle
Yellow dot - medium battle
Red dot - need some planning or ask for hunter's assistance
Red dot with exclamation - challenging meaning very hard always ask for hunter's assitance and if you thing you could take it then good luck to you.

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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