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For a dark elve what kind of stats should i be adding? i added my first one on attack
You should have added stat +1 to Knowledge.
oh........ dang, after knowledge wht do i do?
should dark elves have any attack?
since you have earthen spike you should rely on it alot so increase knowledge and spell
well at level 3 buy potion of oblivion cause it resets all ya stats
oh... but when u add att does it add to the damage that you do when you don't do earthen spike?
Of course. Actually, you might do well with 1 attack too, but do add 1 more Knowledge at least later on level 3.
from now on i'll only add knowledge and spells lol the +1 att saved me in like 2 battles my bandit and his bandit only had 2 hp difference and the potion costs alot
how should the ratio be? like should my spell and knowledge be equal?
since the potion gets more expensive each lv can i just go buy it from the market? if i can will the effects still be the same?
The thing with the potion of oblivion is that when you use it, only one skill point is removed not all of them. You dont get to pick which skill point is removed either.
oh.. what if you only have 1 skill point added?
Actually, I think there's a bug with the potion. Which makes it remove all the added points. ;)
0.o r u serious?
this is the description:

Magical potion with stupefying effect. The hero who drinks it will lose all his or her primary parameters and can learn new ones instead. During the first hour after application, side effects in the form of slowed reaction and freeze-up actions are observed

it said The hero who drinks it will lose all his or her primary parameters and can learn new ones instead SO I DON'T THINK ITS A GLITCH
Oh... Then never mind my earlier post. ^_^

It removes all points as it should. :P
ok i have one more question does the price of the potion increase with your level?
No, the articfact shop does not increase the price of it's items (weapons, armor, potions, etc.) Only in the market that the price increases. :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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