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AuthorFed up of AFK players? Join #145 Warriors' Guild !
Hellow fellow warriors,

AFK players ruin the game. To end this plague, the Warriors' Guild has been created.

Warriors' Guild is a non-political clan gathering all serious HWM players under a single banner.

By a quick glance to a character page, you can see if your teammate is reliable - simply because he's member of the Warriors' Guild.

When we get numerous enough, it will be possible to set up group battles consisting entirely of Warriors' Guild members, improving the game experience for everyone.

.:: RULES ::.
#1 Never go AFK. Don't join a battle you are not sure to play from start to finish.
#2 Respect Battle Rules (No Arts, etc.) as defined by the player setting up the battle.
#3 Play in a timely manner from beginning to end, no matter if you are winning or losing.
Breaking a rule hurts the Warriors' Guild primary asset - its reputation - and ensures a proper penalty.

There is no cheaper Clan around!
There is just a registration cost and no taxes.
Registration cost is TEMPORARILY set to 500 gold but will rise to 750 gold soon, so take advantage of this promotional offer!! :)
To register, send the amount to the Guild Master with the following reason "Warriors' Guild Membership". You'll receive an invitation shorthly after. If you have been invited to the guild by another player, write "Invited to Warriors' Guild by XXX" instead. It will grant the inviter a Warrior's Guild skill point (see below).

New members are invited to provide their black list of lame players, if they have any. Send it to the Guild Master. Always provide a valid battle id to sustain an accusation. These players may have barred access to the Warriors' Guild.

Check the clan page for details.

I like this idea, i will join this clan.

I want to add rule:
#4 Never create battle/group battle that certainly give advantage for the creator of the battle:
For example:
3 vs 3 4-4 vs 1-4
3 vs 2 4-4 vs 4-4
1 vs 3 5-5 vs 1-3
This is a good idea, I may add it. But it might be possible to create odd battles under certain circumstances: what about 1 vs 3 5-5 vs 3-3 for example?

Your examples are good but a rule must be short and understandable, and I'm not sure that "that certainly give advantage" is clear enough.

I'll work on it :)
This is a good idea, I may add it. But it might be possible to create odd battles under certain circumstances: what about 1 vs 3 5-5 vs 3-3 for example?

Yes, this one is rather difficult to decide.
Actually, a level 5 hero almost always can beat 3 level 3 heroes.

For this kind of group battle, i suggest that there will be a council to decide it or we can make some kind of math formula to calculate it.
I suggest a motto, "Win with Glory, Die with Honor"
Good idea, I'll add it. :)

NOTE TO NEW MEMBERS: Many people join the Warriors' Guild as their first clan, and it's a bit new for them. Here is how it works: Once you have sent the gold, I send an invitation to you. To see it and use it, go to "Your Clans" from your main page. Then click *accept invitation* and voilà, you are member of the Warriors' Guild!
Hi to all! The Warriors' Guild is young and growing! After merely 24 hours of existence we already have 12 members!

Remember that registration cost is 500 gold only, no taxes. There is no cheaper clan around. We're not making any money from membership - inviting a new member costs 500 gold to the Guild's treasure...

If you play HWM seriously and are fed up of people going AFK, join us! It's cheap and you won't regret it.
sure ill join
i would love to join if u would accept me
30 members mark!

We already reached 30 members after one week of existence!

The Warrior's Guild is growing quickly... And there's a lot more to come.
Hi all!

First, I'd like to thank everyone - we are already more than 50 members!

Second, the Warriors' Guild forum is now online!


No ad, no spam, avatars, polls, reply notification, all the powerful features of phpBB3!

I hope this forum to become a warmth and welcoming place for all Warriors' Guild members around - as well as anyone interested. After all, you need to be a Guild member to register to the forum, but anyone has a read only access.

The Main Board of the Guild is certainly a good place to see what is happening here and there:

See you there!
For who has joined our clan, feel free to take a peek to our forum.
Don't forget to contribute posting about ur opinion there.
See ya there.
Hi all,

By popular demand (and perhaps because we reached the 70 members mark) the Warriors' Guild sets up its first tournament!

It runs from September 2nd to September 14th and is gifted with a Greater Hunter Set artifact (Not a Master Hunter artifact, a GREATER Hunter artifact!)

See here for more informations:

Do not hesitate to contact me for further information. You can also ask questions in the Warriors' Guild forum.
The Warriors' Guild forum has a new style! Frankly, it's worth a look.


Warriors' Guild: For Your Demanding Taste(tm). :)
ill join message me and i will send the money
I am in, message me and i will send money
To register, send the amount to the Guild Master with the following reason "Warriors' Guild Membership". You'll receive an invitation shorthly after. If you have been invited to the guild by another player, write "Invited to Warriors' Guild by XXX" instead.
send the is 750 gold.
New members, do not forget to register on www.warriors-guild.org/forum . Use the same username than here, it's important. More info on registration:

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