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AuthorBest low level race
Does anyone know which of the races is statistically the best? Not looking for a feud of any kind!
level 1-2 necro or knight i think
hmm could be elf,necro or barbarian
thanks do u no wat the low level barbarian skills are?
wat do u mean by that?
DE for lvl 1-2
elf for lvl 3-5

and what do you mean by low level barbarian skills ?
your all wrong, best in level 1 to 2 is DEMON and BARBARIAN.
demon isn't the best in low level
the best for level 1-2 is definitly knight or wizard.
knight has the first (good) ranged units and wizard has a combo of high damage with hero and ranged units and tanks.
it already sayed many times, on level 1-2 best is DE becouse of spikes and enought of rogues, on level 3-4 situation harder there is many about the same factions, elves become strong whit their bowmen, but not so good against others knights can overcome elves whit swordsmen esely...
i agree with DE because on level 1-2 i always win with them
wizards are the best at lvl 1-2

against rogues: magic punch is lot better than earthen spikes and there are alot more gargoyles than rogues

Against knights: Only takes 2 turns for gargoyles to get to archer and than u win cause archers cant shoot u

Against barbarians: Magic punch will kill all the goblins and split the gargoyles so u can kill the wolf

against demons: demons suck cause they cnt respawn alot. magic punch will kill the imps and gargoyls finnih demon off

Against elves: weaker version of dark elf

necro: really bad at lvl1-2 probably the worst
i think till level 4 necro is the best :P but that's cause i am one and like it a lot, at level 5 it gets harder.
I always wondered about this, but here's my opinion:

lvl 1-2: wizards and then dark elves
lvl 3-4: elves and necros
lvl 5-6: necros and wizards

Do u think everyone is a noob?

Barbarians can split too >.<
Demons imps have mana destroyer ability and they can gate
Necros can raise
Do u really think knights dont surround their archers?
Elves have the highest damage on level 1-2
I win always with DE even against wizards.. if i can, why others shouldnt can?

If you know what you're doing I'm sure you could win most (if not all) of your duels that you play in lvl 1-2 regardless of faction. There are a lot of new players that are still learning how to play and perhaps experimenting with different strategies.

um 2 bad there is a debate going on now
1 and 17

The fact that there is a debate could mean that the game is actually balanced in the low levels, so pick whichever faction interests you the most.

and remember that it depends on ur style
lvl 1 n 2
knight : u have range unit, if u can manage it, you'll win
demon : with a lot of demons, n gating ability, make's u even greater

wizard at low level is not that gr8....
gremlin has low hp, speed, n initiative, gargoyle damage just 1-1.... don't even think about it
wizard is better for hunt or higher level or when u have a lot of money for the mini art

necro is cool when u have skel bowmen n ghost
elves is good when 3-6. But, at higher level....
DE is depend on how u play it... i think it's the most balance faction
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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