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AuthorWarp-A-Wish Thread
Hi, its me again, bringing you yet another forum game which I hope would be better than the "food chain" game. xD

Okay, the idea of this game is to make a wish and then the next poster will grant the first poster's wish, but with a twist... not sure what I am talking about? Then, for example:-

Post 1: I wish I have a lot of money.
Post 2: Wish granted, but you owe even more money to moneylenders XD. I wish for a nice piece of fried chicken.
post 3: Wish granted, but the chicken is suddenly resurected from the dead and ate you :O I wish to have a cute and pretty girlfriend.

And so on...

So, every post would have
1) Wish granted, but ...
and 2) Your wish...

Okay, let the wishing begin... ^__^


I wish for giant pot of creamy vanilla ice-cream! (yummy)
Wish Granted, but you murdered mother nature !
I wish for a goldfish!
Wish granted, but when you go to the jewelerry store to sell your goldfish you find out it's fools gold and thus worthless!

I wish for a pie. an EVIL pie.
wish granted, but when ye want to trow it into someones face, the wind blows it backwards into your own face

well, i wish for my army to be restored now
wish granted, but a monster army destroys it.

I wish i was kusika.
Wish granted, Kussika is now lvl5 barb.

I wish you were here...
Wish granted, but In the process i've somehow transformed into a rather homosexual ogre with a prison soap bar. You drop it, and as you pick it up...ugly ugly things happen.

I wish I was a little bit taller.
but then a rabbit in a hat with a bat knocks u the hell out :)

i wish there was life on mars
wish granted but then all the life died out when the planet blew up

i wish everyone else was better than me by a marginal effect
wish granted, you die >.>
i wish i was god.
wish granted but you dind out that there is no food or air or water and the gravety punches you into a little dot

i wish that this game is real.......
for 10
sorrey but i write before i saw yours

you did but it turns out to be you had to know every thing in the world and their most dirty and nasty thing about them then you killed you self with a lightning bolt

and my wish is the same that this game is real
wish granted and you were killed by a farmer
I wish that pokemon is real lol
wish granted, but is really pissed off at you for making him real

i wish i had my roulette results in real cash
Wish granted, but was sent to jail for attempt at transfering/multi lol
I wish i can see god.
mish granted,but he smites you
i wish i had 8 more magis
wish granted, but no one plays the game anymore
I wish i don't exist
Wish granted, but because you don't exist you don't realise your wish was granted.

I wish there was no place like home, there was no place like home, there was no place like home *clicks heels together*
Wish granted, and you were sent home and locked in there for eternity!
I wish i can be a moderator.. lol
Wish granted, you are now the moderator of a forum inhabited solely by 9 year olds who flame eachother incessantly. You quickly go mad from all the work you have to do to keep the forums clean and end up being locked in my house with me. And it's lonely being in a home for all eternity.....

I wish Bladeguy was a bit more romantic....
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