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AuthorWarp-A-Wish Thread
Since there was no wish, I shall grant the previous wish again. You are now so popular in school the teachers all stroke you, call you their pressiousss, and sound like gollum. All the boys envy you and start copying everything you do, all the girls faint at the mere sight of you. You're annoyed by the boys, and the girls are too passed out to be any good at all, and the teachers just downright scare you.

I wish for little green men from mars.
Wish granted, but the green men and war mongers and technologicaly adept, they kill you with their bare hands and then create a spaceship from your remains and go home.

I wish this girl would just hury up and ask me out, i can't deal wit hthe tension -.-
Wish granted, she asks you out. However, she immediately faints afterwards because you're still so damn popular. Every time she even sees you she simply passes out and you're even more stressed now.

I wish garthul would finally notice me... I think he's trying to cheat on me...
Wish granted, but when i notice you i decide to get a divorce. XD

I wish that track season would just start right now... in the start of Fall...
wish granted but the track season were alame and destroyed by the jazz lovers

i wish that dreadclaw hate ghartul
Wish granted, I now hate ghartul. But I stil love Garthul.

I wish Garthul would realise the awesomeness that is Demonic mullets.
u dont make anysense
Granted wish sense no make no understand no talky. blarney.

I wish barlg laller marmar
wish granted, but i don't know what you just said so i end up giving you a poodle.

I wish i had something to eat right now...
Wish granted. You get a fresh serving of decayed fried cockroach. It is revolting, but it's food!

I wish for a PUPPY. A brown one. with cute eyes.
wish granted but it starves 2 death cuz u forgot about it
i wish for a dead puppy
Wish granted, but it was dreadclaw's puppy, and before he gave it to you he planted some C4 in it's stomach. Needless to say, it blows up and kills you.

I wish for some icecream.
Wish granted. You get some icecream. It's vomitflavoured.

I wish to be a big hero by learning to count down to zero.
Wish granted, but sadly, you're stupid enough to start from 19895717185681057069819758217589236510. You die of old age before you reach your goal.

I wish that i don't have to play all those extra battles before i can truly be called a level 5 -.-
Wish granted, you fight no extra battles, ever again. You're permanently stuck on lvl 5.

I wish to know... What if god was one of us, just a slothlike one of us...Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home.... How many banana's could he eat before getting sick?
i wish for 1000000 gold
wish granted , but a thief tooked it

i wish can kill kusika
wish granted,kusika u have 99 spawns kusika loses all mana u win but another player from heroeswm.ru lvl 13 uses chain atk at ya u died

i wish that i was the president of IRAQ
Wish granted, you're now the president of Iraq. But quickly after you become president, they have a military coup, and you're suspected of ties with Al Qaeida. You're brought to guantanamo bay where they perform unspeakable acts of human cruelty upon you while you wait for a trial that will never ever come. Eventually you crack and become utterly insane, saying nothing more than "The peanuts are coming for me" over and over again for no reason. When you think you're at the lowest of the low, you find out that they were actually looking for an SG_Bark and not you. But they made a mistake. Sadly...they will never admit it. You will eventually die a useless and lonely death in a cell, wondering why.

I wish I didn't elaborate my wish grants so much.
wish granted but the us drops atomic bomb on IRAQ and you die
i wish perfect at everything
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