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lvl 3 building are cheaper for example barraks cost 500g less ( omg admins so generous )

reward when u become lvl 5 is higher u get 5 crystals and gems (yay!)
There are some people (at RU server) blocked by their own wish. They explain that by the newly introduced changes in the game.

The level of character blocked is of especial interest:
this server is just a copy of .ru.. i think that greedy administration won't hurry with implementing any "war-time" events on .com, but i am quite sure that it (.com) will not wait for too long for these new rules.

wanna sell TGI while it is expensive? then, hurry up.

good bye
stuped admins on heroeswm.ru!
Now the economy is improved through the influx of players for new innovation kill us
Goodbye .ru ...
.com with this update wont be much behind..
There are also more tutorials (yay?)
I don't know the exact level it ends.
The Tutorial should end at level 5. Atleast that's what it says in the update.
heroeswm.ru rule
this server is just a copy of .ru
Wow, had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up....

You're obviously a new player, so the new changes don't mean squat to you ;)

@ 2025/2026:
sadly, +1
Protect march :) Let's see how that does work. IMO this new update is just awesome, now we can enjoy when they're desperate ;) Maybe admins thought that this'd be a nice gift for us :)
admins should be ashamed. their greed is simply disgusting.

i always laugh bitterly when i read: LordsWM is an non-commercial project, it is a free online service from gamers, for gamers. Every player is able to improve this free online game.

sad... realy sad...
They can keep that update :s. There goes my plan on getting rich on .ru.

Btw, what is the update about the workaholic penalty? You need to get 0,5 fsp to get rid of it? What happens if you get less (I couldn't understand the google translation about this)? So, assisting in a hunt won't be enough anymore to get rid of it :s
what was the last event about ? i did not understood it ?
What happen is that if you don't win and get at least 0,5 fsp you get read of only part of the workaholic penality (proportional).

For example if you do an assist and get 0,25 fsp you get half the reduction.

How this is calculated isn't clear!
Half of your current penalty (example 80% efficiency ->90%), Half efficiency back (example from 20% efficiency to 70%) or half the hour count get off your back (60% efficiency = 13 hour -> 7 hour 100% efficiency).

Vould have been usefull if it worked the same for lost battle. Example: lost ambush 0,1 fsp 20% reduction of workaholic!
thnx for explaining
Er... This foggy summer evening a thought of a different air happenned to come upon my mind... And I can go as far as to say a few words not against but FOR the changes arrainged at RU server. I mean the situation with a certain commercializing of the game (at Ru server). I think if the admins manage to save enough money from players who spend their real money for diamonds, there would appear the chance for com players to see events or a war at last... Hope that the budget of that server game could be spend for the game development as well.

And besides, a few weeks ago I openned a new topic at RU server called "The Ability of Removing (sorry my bad English) the Battle Chat Up and Down During the Combat" at the "Ideas and Suggestions" forum. My idea was intended to preserve any players from seeing phrases in a foul language in the chat during a battle.

So if any donation at RU server would help the game in its further development of any kind, for instance, the technical one, I'd personally stand for such changes.

Summarizing it, I'll say that it's my own opinion only. So any discussion in connection with all I've said here would be only welcome.
Ha-ha. The administration has buried the project. As I also spoke earlier, Soon Russian server will die.
Ha-ha. The administration has buried the project. As I also spoke earlier, Soon Russian server will die.
and why is that
what exactly r the changes ?
What are the new hunting creatures?
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