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My ratio isn't that good. I got 26/39 wins so far, which makes it exactly 2/3 of the battles. But I never started off with the idea of competing. I participated purely for fun.
Sorry, gave wrong info. My win/lose ratio is 27/42 after all. But I don't know anyone on .ru, so I always fought along with random players. Although I'm surprised only in one I came across an afker.
Here are some of my impressions.

Some of today's battles seemed extremely easy.

The event so far appears rather short, doesn't it? I wonder if this is it, or it's just a taste of things to come. Which wouldn't be an unreasonable assumption, since most .ru events lasted at least 2 weeks.
Some of today's battles seemed extremely easy.

I agree, some were too easy, while I had 2 or 3 that wasn't possible, I think.

And yes, we had few time for it :P

There were great battle, but when you are in random teams (And are in a low level as 3), you never know what kind of noob may join your battle... No offence, but some times, it is annoying to lose just because someone dont know how to play...
Some of today's battles seemed extremely easy. true yesterday some battles are too tough but today some what easy i won all today by finishing 32/42.(yesterday my ratio is 25/35)
+ But my event looting is pathetic only 2 elements no arts :P
I got 3 arts and 1 element. And I think it is gone now. My result:

281. Straws[3] - 28

33 battle done so far. =)

All AP and money (the little I had) almost gone now... Time to work.
Super awesome event. Makes me look forward to a merger. I also played with 100% random players. Wishing I could of teamed up w at least 1 competent ally on a repeated basis. I ended up losing a few battles that were winable due to this. Im combat level 10 on .ru. If anyone wants a partner for an event like this in the future then send me a message. My final score is 31 wins. Hope thats enough to get me a prize of some sort.
just as a reminder, there is no need to play random if you join us:
got an armor as reward :P
i got
do you think it is worth to get this art repaired?
do you think it is worth to get this art repaired? no expensive like all other art rewards.
i got this
can anyone tell what kind of event the autobattles tounament in .ru?when will it be held?
There is an automatic tournament on .ru held on a daily basis. It starts at 8 pm russian server time. For the next 10 minutes players are able to join it, and then the battles start (at 8:10 pm).
only at 8pm?but last night at midnight i saw the symbol of the tournament..gmt+8
by automatic you mean controlled by AI?
i first time played it..
its held twice per day, and you can choose between attacking or defensive style (as it was in one of our .com event [am i right?])

but enchantments are allowed in this tournaments so probably in 90% winner are wear in full ench
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