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18762 online, server very slow. if they start war with the server as it is, it will be almost impossible to fight at daytime.
f they start war with the server
which war is it this time?
actually i don&#196;T knwo exactly.. it would be the second war on .ru
i guess it will be against the enemy.. the red territory on the map..
there is some hidden kingdom that was recently discovered, and now empire wages war against them. since month the kingdom is under siege of the empire (you can find here some battle reports of the wall-fights). i believe the "war" will be related to it but thats all i can say
the "war" will be related to it but it's not the second war. if you look at the two north-west sectors, you'll notice the facilities are not owned by the empire, but the Cyrus (mage king). there was a war long time ago with this chap and the empire signed a truce with him.
interesting.. ancient times.
lottery results

113 prices.. 300.000 tickets

~1 price per 3.000 tickets

winchance was


xD.. awesome.

-20.000 gold
Hurrah! We prepare for war!
where have you found that one? ^^
nothing announced about war
for Wurmtog:
The message ¹ 13 ( author Maxim (adm) )
thank you sve!

btw there is a new kind of tournament from today on for 5 days on .ru.. mixed tournament. that means, the levels are mixed!! 3 lvl 9 fight vs lvl 15 and lvl 3 combination and such.. xDD the balance will be so ruined!! XDD but i'm looking very forward to the fun. for the tournament, all used artifacts take no scratch.. and the fee is small
This is my character on .ru:


I need 21 AP for the tourney but I only have 15 right now and spent a ton of money on the raffle tickets :(

Any tips on how I can get 6 extra AP so I can try this "mixed tournament" out?
an example fight:


that tournament is surely not fair . =)
for Javi:
join a good clan. clanmates share the arts they don't need in such days, when they don't lose durability. i could have lend you mine, if i knew earlier, but already announced in a clan mail the days i won't need them and they got booked :/
@ 1471

javi you need to buy only 1/40 durability items, they will not break in tournament fights. after the tournament you can sell them again :) maybe like this you can afford.
serb upal?
for Hybrid_LSD:
for Georgia:
The thing is that I don't know any Russian and Google Translate is not that great at translating the Russian text. So joining a clan is not something I ever thought of doing. Anyway, last_one was nice enough to send me some arts. I tried 1 battle and was paired up with a 14 and 9 against a 12 and a 13. Needless to say, we lost badly. I'm not sure if I want to give it another try or if I should return the arts and just do hunts over there.
for Javi:
Takesister has a guild on .ru
Takesister is afk for a long time but i thing its time that com players would enter the same warclan and maybe in the future create a com clan in ru
I agree with last one.
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