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Authorlizard charge
how to activate lizard charge ability for lizard cavalry
It's always active.
# Lizard charge:
Target's defense is ignored by 20% per each tile covered by this creature before its attack (it cannot drop lower than zero, though).
it is passive ability. Just by moving 1 tile b4 attacking already reduce defense by 20%
Special abilities

Barbarian heroes and certain creatures possess special abilities. Abilities can be passive or activated, single-targeted or area-targeted. Click the "Spell/Ability" button to activate an ability. Specify the target or the area for that ability on the battlefield. In order to cancel usage of an activated ability, click the "Spell/Ability" button once more.

# Aimed shot:
Ranged attacks against targets within 3 tiles take greater ranged damage from this creature (target's defense is considered to be zero).
# Aura of magic proof:
All allied creatures adjacent to this one obtain cumulative 30% magic proof.
# Battledance:
The creature simultaneously attacks all enemies adjacent to it (up to 8 stacks in total). The target takes full damage and retaliates the attack. All other enemies take half the damage and do not retaliate.
# Bloodlust:
Attack parameter of this creature increases every time any enemy stack perishes completely. The effect is calculated as 1.3*(basic attack of the perished stack without hero bonuses)*(strength of the perished stack)/(strength of all army of that hero). The effect cannot be lower than 1. Strength is an unrevealed parameter. Creatures acquire bloodlust for the rest of the combat, bloodlust effects stack up.
# Bravery:
These creatures always have positive morale, never lower than 3.
# Broad attack:
This creature attacks 3 stacks at once (the target and two adjacent ones).
# Caster:
This creature can use a set of magical spells in combat, similar to which heroes use. The set of spells is individual for every creature type. The amount of mana is limited, but is always full at the beginning of each combat. Spell power is unrevealed and depends on the numbers of that stack.
# Demonic:
The creature belongs to the Demon faction, it is able to gate support directly from hell.
# Double shot:
Creatures perform two shots per each ranged attack.
# Double strike:
The creature performs two strikes at the target per move, being retaliated only after the first one.
# Draconic breath:
This creature deals damage to the target and the stack right behind it.
# Drain life:
This creature drains life during its attacks on living creatures, restoring its own hit points and even resurrecting perished creatures. Amount of hit points restored equals half the dealt damage.
# Drain mana:
This creature drains mana from their caster targets, and uses it to restore its health or even to resurrect the previously perished units. 1 mana per attacking creature is drained, but no more than the caster stack possesses. Every 1 mana restores or resurrects 1 creature.
# Elemental:
These creatures aren't living, they are unaffected by morale. They are also unaffected by poison, blinding, infection, mind-affecting spells; life cannot be drained from them. Nor can they be resurrected or healed.
# Entangling roots:
The creature tangles the target with its roots after the attack, immobilizing it. Any number of enemy stacks can be tangled. However, once the creature moves to any different tile, the immobilizing effects vanish.
# Fear attack:
The target attacked by this creature might get terrified and flee to the edge of the battlefield, losing all accumulated initiative. Fear attack does not affect creatures immune to mind-affecting spells or abilities.
# Flyer:
The creature can move around the battlefield ignoring obstacles (flying over them).
# Immune to delay:
The creature is unaffected by the "Delay" spell.
# Immune to earth:
Earth magic spells deal no damage to this creature.
# Immune to fire::
Fire magic spells deal no damage to this creature.
# Immune to lightning:
The creature is unaffected by the "Lightning" spell.
# Immune to magic:
This creature is unaffected by any kind of magic, be beneficial or harmful.
# Immune to water:
Water magic spells deal no damage to this creature.
# Inflame:
This creature is able to set all tiles ar
You may read special abillities : http://www.heroeswm.com/help.php?section=32 : # Lizard charge:
Target's defense is ignored by 20% per each tile covered by this creature before its attack (it cannot drop lower than zero, though).
thanks close topic
closed by Lord dark11 (2008-10-19 10:20:41)
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