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AuthorHow to block character?
I want to block all my characters (except this one), because all of them was blocked on .ru server. And I want to play here and threre under one nick. I want to block all my mults here (BOW). In russian version we can do it "by own will". How can I do this here?
Same way you do it on .ru - make a topic in CaA. You'll have to wait longer then on .ru though :)
for Shebali:
Hey, there're no theme "Blocking BOW" in CaA, like on .ru server. What should I do? Just create topic "block" and write all characters, witch I want to block?
Is anybody here from .ru server? Who can explain me some differences?
Do it like him
for SuperSheep:
thanks =))). Are you from .ru server?
for SuperSheep:
=(. Well, I sure that I could find here lots of people from Russia and .ru server=). Zork for example. He's a "angriest flooder" on .ru))) Did you hear about him? Funny guy!
OK. "The answer was given". Closing the top...
closed by Lord GuF_rolex (2008-11-02 01:40:00)
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