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AuthorMercenary quests
for DonJazz:

try this one: wpage.php%3Fpage_id%3D9&usg=ALkJrhhoNsIuFqJGIsYaqTdxoc6Uh74BSA
So at level 5, we have a chance to win on:

- Raids (except some high tiers like cave demons)
- Army of xxx (where we have 3 chances)
- ???
- ???
Hmmm, thanks for trying Shebali..

But it only gives me the "404 Not Found" on both firefox and IE... It works for everybody else?
Sorry about double-post..

I can see the page in the original russian version, but the links provided for a translated version is not there for me...
for DonJazz:
Hmm... how about

then just folow the link "quest mercenaries"
weee, thanks Shebali!!
this is great why cant we have such a news page on this server? :(
for Harros:
That's a clan site - created by players, not admins. If anyone makes such a site here - great. Until then - .ru/
:) And how about this ? :)

All of this on LVL 3 ...
117 more to go and you have an extra parameter ....
for MinimalTech:

Some raids and vanguards are possible before level 5. I too have done them with both my additional accounts as have many others.
When you have succeeded in a quest, do you have to return to headquarter before the 120 minutes have passed, or is it enough to just beat the monster(s) within 120 minutes??
donjazz, you have to return within 120 minutes (or other specified time). If you do not return in time, it is counted as a loss, even if you beat the army/monster.
Well i put up for a merc quest and got to battle an army of knights{0}and ended up versing a single swordsman with 2016hp.I was slaughtered.
for Sharkbait808:

urm, that is a swordsmen-monster, not army of knights. Are you sure you remember accepting the correct quest?
I think at the MQ there should be PUMPKINS-Raid too . that will be more fun ...

best regards,

vanguard of wizards is the easiest quest on this game.
i defeated vanguard of wizards {9} at level5 DE without arts:
i failed the level 10 but it was a close fight, i think it's difficult with no arts, but it will be OK with only defender shield: not too expansive.

from my own experience at level5 DE you can defeat without arts:
army of knights 0,1
army of barbarians 0,1,2
army of wizards 0
army of dark elves 0,1

vanguard of dark elves 0,1,2
vanguard of wizards 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
vanguard of knights 0,1,2

low level creatures raids (zombies...) but level 0 only, level 1 is too hard because when the 2nd wave of ennemies dies, you have a 3rd wave to fight and no more mana and/or stacks of 1 unit to take retaliations.
few creature-monsters (only units with melee penality like gremlins-monster)
some escort missions if you are lucky (for exemple necromancers brigands are sometimes easy) but lot of them are impossible without arts.

and maybe some other quests, i didn't experimented all of them.

lots of other quests are impossible (or at least extremely difficult) without arts at level5DE.
army of elves
vanguard of necromancers
most of the creature-monsters (there are some exceptions like gremlins)
most of the invaders

it's possible to be close to mercenary guild level1 (50 quests) without arts at level5 DE:
i had my 40 first victories without arts, after it becomes hard without arts (but still not too difficult with arts)
now i try to reach MG level2 with arts, i think it's possible to do it before reaching combat level6.

DE is really the weakest level5 faction, i think level 1 MG can be reached without arts at level5 by most of the others factions, and maybe level2 MG without arts for some (i think about wizards with their cheated spells VS neutral creatures)

I'd add that many of the tier 1 creature raids and vanguard of Wizards are indeed possible even at level 4 for DE. Of course, you'll likely need arts and some can be quite challenging at that level.
I found my first delivery the easiest of mercanary quests
it was necros sry for double post
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