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AuthorHow do I start a clan..?
I really want to know how to start a clan, can someone tell me how?
1. Go to Great Capital.
2. Get to Public Services > Clan Registration

Enter a clan name and description.

Choose your clan name wisely, it's forever! You can choose a name that's not too long, having spaces and all.

Clan registration costs 10,000 gold immediately, then 20,000 more gold when registration is accepted. You need 10,000 gold at registration time; the 20,000 gold are automatically withdrawn from your account when registration is accepted (if you don't have enough gold, the clan registration will be delayed until the 20K can be paid.)

Be aware that clan creation requires manual intervention from administration and that a number of people have been waiting for their approval for weeks if not months. So please be patient.
Thanks Kotrin.
I just wanted to be sure about it because I've heard bad things about clan rigistration.
so im trying 2 start a clan i dont have 20k but some1 will pay half(were sharing the clan) once its accept.the status is blank now will it stay blank until i get 20k or will it say something lke not enough gold
does any1 know
why does it take so long? I think I've seen subtle actions by admins to show they have been around:
-Increase in money and materials in the facilities for one example.
-forum mods recieving pay for their services

they must have popped on and seen the multitude of threads on clans in the forums. or the pile of clan applications ready to be read
Actually Admins left us since October and no one got blocked nor clan registrations.. their back now and so i got blocked lol ... dont judge me by my username
closed by Lord Ajanie (2008-12-06 01:39:10)
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