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AuthorAny good news?
not only, really not only...
There was an event planned, but it was cancelled due to technical reasons.
I hope once those troubles are taken care of, us players will get some nice treat.
Until then, we'll be waiting and hoping together.

I hope so, Shebali.
I already disappointed with this game because the lack of improvement.
But I still hold my hope and keep playing..
There was an event planned, but it was cancelled due to technical reasons.
how do people no about things like this...do yall talk to the admins or something because a lot of times i see people writeing things like this....do yall really no or are yall guessing....or are yall talking to the on the .ru server?????

oh and the number of players online do depend on time zones and time of day because over here in louisiana in the USA in the morning (around 3 o'clock) till like 12 o'clock i think... it be like 1000-1100 people online....but this is the min. of players online on the russian server :( .....i know this because i play the russian server :D
this game is wonderful its something fun to do in spare time id really hate to see this game crash and in the morning theirs atleast 1000+ players EASY :)
in our server:
22:57, 679 online

the same time in ru server:
1:57, 3896 online
for thrax:
maybe the fact that it's been there for longer and has more updates has something to do with it
in our server:
22:57, 679 online

the same time in ru server:
1:57, 3896 online

Guys, we've been over this many times - ru's been around for over a year longer. Of course there are more players there. It's a civil topic for now - let's not allow it to degrade into 'Why don't we have 14th level players here like on .ru :'(('

There was an event planned, but it was cancelled due to technical reasons.
It's true. But I'm afraid I don't know much more than that.
[Post deleted by moderator misself // not really the ideal plac to make a joke =p]
Obviously here there are less player than ru server witch is older but the problem is that it seems that the number of player are even decreasing.
I think that the reason is that ours empire is quite flat, lifeless.

The ru server empire has many regions, periodic invasions, medals and extra campaign related artefacts setting (I mean, not only “more items= more power”). In a word ru server empire has an ambient that stimulate the players.

My personal feeling as a player is that I have fun when I play a good battle, but then my only goal will be to get new experience and new advancements. An this is different feeling from help to stop an enemy invasion or winning a tournament. The same difference that lies between fight many single battles and play an important role in a well conducted campaign.
My hope is that there will be more attention to this side of the game in future.
hmm... perhaps RU server is testing ground? after the testing was implemented and error free, those features will come in to COM server?

is that make you feel better? LOL
Is there anyone who have any clue about when it would happen?
I really hope soon…
Olso we don't need everything just now, it will be enough to see some steps in this direction :)
I think that is better if we have not many players here .. I mean the numbers of battles in one time Automatically will not be too many then The Server will not be lag ... For Tourneys, i think will be held in about these 2 months ... but maybe A Group Battles Tourneys ...
Servers will manage. More players is a good thing, not a bad thing.
16:40, 1104 online

this is a little bit good news.It seem that more people log in the afternoon of the server time.Had a tea.

P S:This is not created I find out that the time can goes blue 2!Try it.
Admins, we love you

^^ Try to put some action to these words like more diamonds =)
19:25 1015 online on Thursday
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // Flood]
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2008-12-05 10:55:58 // Quit flooding. Even if it's funny :P]
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // This isn't about .ru]
C'mon guys, be quiet an keep waiting. I know it's hard and many are getting tired.

But one day we will open this pages and we will see some improvements.

Every day left behind, we are closer to THAT day. It'a a matter of fact! Even if we don't know when that thay will be.

See you on the fields
Apparently, all the clans waiting for registration were, well, registered.

Sounds like good news to me :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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