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How often can i recruit?
At any time you wish, on this page
Yea but i took all out before. Does it have like in a real game that u get to recruit more after a sertain time?
for TheAnni:
You'll have more creatures when you reach next level, and build new buildings.
Thank you <3
and if you take less faeries, you can take more forest keepers =)
tnx :)
What is tnx ?

A form of thank you :)
not tnx, but thx :)
for Zeriodaemon:
It varies greatly, depending on players :)
ok so where i repair things?

and thers no difference between tnx or thx....u prolly got the idea urself...
How do I repair artifacts?

Artifacts are repaired in blacksmiths, the castle constructions that require combat level 6. Any player who has the blacksmith in his or her castle can repair artifacts for anyone else. However, remember that selling artifacts and buying them again is cheaper than repairing them. Do not repair artifacts unless they're rare (like Hunter arts) or Enchanted.

FAQ, Q 23 :)
lol, man, faq is not really usefull, cause too much infos that i f.ex.donna need, and i donna wanna waste my time by readin 200 a4 sites :D
for Zeriodaemon:
On the contrary, FAQ is very useful. And taking time to read it once can save a lot of headacke later.
thank u ppl <3
closed by Shebali (2008-12-07 17:02:00)
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