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AuthorChristmas Treat.. (christmas list) heheheh
i suggest that there would be:

1.) Special Tournament.. hehehe.. its getting boring no events especially tournament..

2.) 2x experience bonus.. hehehe, or 2x money multiplier..whahahaha..

3.) New limited edition items.. hehehehe..
Special Tournament
might happen
2x experience bonus
D'uh. I sure hope not -_-
New limited edition items
might happen ;)
Good idea
nice idea.

Or low price for presents in arts shop. who bought them anyway?
1 best thing.FREE ARTRIFACT!!ha ha(sry for caps).Powerful art.Most people need that.

1.) Special Tournament.. hehehe.. its getting boring no events especially tournament..

good idea

2.) 2x experience bonus.. hehehe, or 2x money multiplier..whahahaha..

i think it's a bit not possible

3.) New limited edition items.. hehehehe..

haha, kinda funny, maybe something like santa hat or santa cloak will be interesting :D

but i think it's gonna be some special monster like when halloween
4.) A random winner of special artifact.. kinda roulette type but open for all player.. maybe a raffle, buy a ticket and chance to win.. wahahahahahh..

5.) potion for temp luck.. limited edition.. whahhahaha..

6.) Santa hat(helmet).. Santa socks(shoes).. Rudolf nose(lefthand?).. kinda stuff xmas set.. whahhhahaa.. just kidding.. (kinda related in Suzakuryuu says)

7.) Special mini-games.. hmm..
An acromage tourney, maybe?) I know a clanmate of mine who'd love it :D
There can potentially be anything. We all have to anticipate for the best :) -Snow- :D
What About Christmas Hunt

You Hear A Scream Of Little Elf Wearing A Little Red Hat That Are Guarding A "Present"....

LOL !!!!!
Great description emperor_1
You Hear A Scream Of Little Elf Wearing A Little Red Hat That Are Guarding A "Present"....

This thing gimme another idea.

Cavaran of Santa Claus.

With all those new creature.
Thanks DarkAssault

Cavaran of Santa Claus.

With all those new creature.

I Think They Should Make Those
the russians got a 2007 pig...
heads up! we gonna have a 2008 opossum
Just in case we get a Santa Monster, I've started bashing all Elfes I find...Santa's little helpers BEWARE!! ^_^
Elves make up over a fifth of server population, and they might take offence for their namesakes being bashed:) so be careful, Chief ;)
i get to make toys so happy i know what all u r gonna get shebali u will get a new sword with no effects wow cool hu and kotrin u will get a little miniture wolf that u guest it does nothing, sound like a good christmas hehehe
nice to know that you guys love what i posted.. lol ^_^ thanks..
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