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Authorsupply and demand.
Before the changes were made, there were way to many production places with no gold or resources.

Now there is a huge demand for everything, but nothing is being supplied quick enough.(except sulfer, but no one wants that)

tooooo many problems
Hehe, True.

I just noticed that there suddenly was 1.400 or so of all the ressources so I went on a buying spree with all my accounts to get some of that precious mercury. :P
me too...lol

Bought hundreds of everything and restocked as many places as possible and made a lovely profit. So glad I stayed on here late tonight, now I have a few spares for future shortages but I don't keep hold of them to sell on the market like those greedy profiteers, they go straight into the facilities (Except for the lighthouse elements which keep me in work...lol). Hopefully my help stocking places will stop the 'greedies' for the time being...lol
nice that you did that
i kind of irritated the traders by buying 50 of them and selling them under market price, to get the value down a little.
tobad i did not have enough gold to buy more of them
like those greedy profiteers

who s not letting you do the same thing?
kind of irritated the traders by buying 50 of them and selling them under market price

When whats the problem dont buy on market.
Buy your res by the end of the shift.
talrasha i have a slow internet connection so it is impossible to buy anu when the shift ends, other will always be faster then me

so thats not a solution.
talrasha i have a slow internet connection so it is impossible to buy anu when the shift ends, other will always be faster then me

even with bad connection u can buy some res u need just to be patient and press refresh more often on the last minuts of the shift.
i press refresh and see their are 300 of them, i try to buy 5 and then it says there are no more resources.

please with faster connections can buy faster, dont you understand that.
if i press ok the same time as you and your connection is better you will get the resources

it is nearly impossible for me to buy any
today i was lucky as the admins pumped 1400 resources in every mine
please with faster connections can buy faster, dont you understand that.

i understand that.
what s ur i-net connection speed?
256 kb with many glitches in the line

internet in thailand sucks at the moment, even if i had a 4 mb connection (which exists) my international band width would be capped at around 512 kb

thats how it works here :S:S hope they will open it soon, then i will upgrade my line, now it is not usefull due to the bandwidth caps
lol not even i cant buy in time res 0_o.
Script and clickers must be banned !!!
scripters yes they must be banned but clickers not) i bought ~400 crystals and 500 gems - and i am not clicker - just entered the game when someone manualy managaed the mines
and i say ..... ..... ..... who did this? ) i spend time buying resourses and making money and in 1 second everyone can buy 1000+ of every resource
not good not good at all
its heroes of war and MONEY - someone makes war and someone MONEY
administration decides how to rule this progect but i say it is not fair (((
I got to level 4 yesterday and I realized the shortage in resources and artifacts. I usually only log in, enroll and then log out. When I needed resources or artifact, I would buy then or move on the map before logging out. I saw that resources were difficult to get when 5 minutes after the end of the workshift, there were none to buy. I did not know it was difficult to get the resources within the minute of the workshift end! Ouch!

I guess I will have to check the time and try it once. So far, I have never checked availability that close to workshift end.

I wonder if that is only a temporary shortage due to the recent change of rules or if that is going to be premanent.
I just tried to get some resources and artifacts within seconds of the end of the workshift and it did not work! I was clicking refresh every 5 seonds and it only took me a few seconds to enter an amount and clicking the button to buy, but I was too late. I have high speed internet, so that is probably not the issue here.

On the other hand, I fail to see the fun in trying to click faster than the other players. I don't mind paying a little more to get the resources from the market (about 5% higher prices), but artifacts cost much more (about 30% higher prices).

I thought I was doing good financially with 24k gold and having to buy artifacts worth about 18k gold and being about to change faction (I want to try the first level of every faction before deciding which ones I will play). I guess I will have to be broke for some time after changing faction and wait before getting the best artifacts for my level.

I am more and more thinking of quitting this game to play the original game instead.
The only way to get ressources at the end of the shift is to know exactly in which second the game time springs to next minute (work shift end). You can probe this by coming 2-3 minutes before the shift end.

But even knowing this and hovering with the mouse over the right spot to write the number of ressources in the appropiate field (Using "last page" by keyboard, to actualize the browerserpage), I fail to get ressources more often than I succeed.
i already sad it somewhere else
mayby the admins want to shut down/stop the game mayby it isn't giving them enough money or their ar so many problems the economic afkers multi accounts
(i am nearly sure they don't want to shut the game down) but if they don't want the game to be empty they should start doing something about it
they should just shut down the market, its not doing any good.
admin is listening...a lot of resources had been added to the mines...
agree, admin should cancel the function about sell basic resource in market. Stop hoarding and cornering, let market can only sell arts, rare items.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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