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Authorsupply and demand.
Well, I do not know if it is because the admin did something about it or not, but the prices are going down in the market since the last day or two. Prices are only about 10% higher than buying from the mines or production centers while they were about 30% higher a few days ago. While I would prefer to pay the base price, it is not expensive enough for me not to buy from the market.

I guess the end of the dragon hunts dropped the demand for the best artifacts and the resources needed to buy them or supply their production centers.
Well, tha AP rule'll stil make hunter sets attractive so dun expect the price for the sets to go down.
the ones in factories'll go dn though.
It means that try not to buy from market .. coz the price is too high . try to find the hunter set from hunting only .... Now everyone has hunter sets on their hands mean can monopolize the market and the arts trade ... that is too bad ...
now the mercury is the biggest problem i think, since it is needed for both magic powder and nickel, but from what i see right now, its only about 40 people that worked in lab, and its nearly at the end of the shift. Why there is so few players in blooming glade?
Because everyone is in GC? :) At least now we've got place to send all the people who are in EB and GC =)
Same problem emerge from arts, example amulet of luck, ring of inspiration etc.
well, amulet of luck can be bought at market. the price isn't so high, though for ring, yes its a problem. good thing i have some in stock though =)
There is a leverage in the market :-(
Admins should do something.
Poping up resources would be a first step
I agree with 24. We have just what we produce. While everyone works in productions, we can't be surprised that we don't have resources.
and not only that
it can't goes like that

when workshift ends in some mines
there dozens of players waiting for only little some of resources
and when 1 player can buy 20 only 1 player is lucky enough to buy

so other players could buy resources to buy artifacts for hunting
we can't play like this please

It's already limited, you said it yourself.
this way 4 players could buy
because now the first one press the max he can buy
guys it is becoming arcade to collect a single piece of resource
Admins should fill the basic resources in mines from time to time.
Problem is obvious with mercury exists with others res.
Lab should be filled up by admins urgently
The 20 limit isn't effective because some players buy 20 units multiple times. Game needs to also limit purchasing of resources to once per minute. Kind of like our posts here.
When the lab is filled, people just buy everything and sell it again through market. The supply is just never enough.
to Pantheon:
Are you trying to tell me that you can't buy anything while others buy multiple times?
why do you keep whining all the time?
it was about time that people can start making a bit more of a profit by trading. it's not easy like you said yourselves - you have to be at the right place at the right time. really really right time. the rest of players then buy on the market. nothing's wrong with that.

as for the lack of mercury... the lab's are almost empty. 240 posts and only about 25 players are enrolled. if you want mercury then make it. then the prices will go down on the market as well.

so admins please don't pump resources in mines. if they want them they can make them. otherwise leave the traders their fun :)
We still have a supply problem although admins filled resources.
It seems one time is not enough
5k mercury disappeared in 1 hr !!!
Gems and Ore took 2 hrs more
Crystals made it for 14hrs.

There is a need of often feed with 1st level res to stop black market ;-)
It's funny, if you complain, makmak.

You hoard ressources for future, which are not available to players who need them now. The traders are one cause for the shortage, but even more people like you acting in fear of a future shortage.

To me, it's not fair. it also depends on where you live. The server is apparently located in Borneo ( East malaysia).

Malaysians like me chart a ping of less than 50ms. Most of my buddies from around the world chart 300+ms. This alone made it unfair. We can't shift houses y'know?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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