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AuthorSkeletal bowmen
can skeletal bowmen use the volley ability? if they can how and also does a volley shot use more arrows
undead, shooter

No volley
no they can't. Only the archers in the knight faction can volley
No, they can't. Only bowmen from the knight's faction have that ability.
oh thats a shame they cost me about 30,000 and theyre not evn that good oh hey what can you do. thanks for the quick responses everybody
No, they aren't that good. But they mean that your opponents have to either focus on the bowmen or focus on your ghosts/vampires, and over time those skeletons can be a pain. This is especially true if all of their stacks are pinning dead ones of yours to keep them from being resurrected.
oh thats a shame they cost me about 30,000 and theyre not evn that good oh hey what can you do. thanks for the quick responses everybody

Actually your wrong. Skeleton bowmen are one of the most feared troops on the necros team. Once you get high racial skill and get 150 odd bowmen they are very powerful.
You want to see there power check this.

you think they are weak
one of my nerco friends has nerco faction lvl 5 and he has more then 100 skl bowmen
how higher your nercromancer faction lvl how stronger they get
wow that was alot of bowmen and they hurt so bad 0.0
And when you equip a few arts and gain +3 luck... *rolls eyes dreamily*
>oh thats a shame they cost me about 30,000 and theyre not evn that good oh hey what can you do. thanks for the quick responses everybody

Well than try to win a pvp without them and than one with them and you ll notice.
I'd take the bowmen over vanilla skeletons any day. Empty slots fight better than plain skeletons >_<
but thats a shame that they have a lil arrows
Yet but to all of u lot who think they are amazing i dont have say 150 of them i can have a maximum of 65 i think and even then ive got to recruit 25 from reserve so every battle i lose i lose the price of my arts and i lose equivalent of 250 gold for extra skeletons. And i cant afford loads of arts so in my opinion they are not that good
so, its ur problem beause u cant make them 'good in battle'
Im just saying theyre expensive if u lose and level 5 doesnt have enough to make them decent 1 turn of elven bowmen will take out over 20 skeletal bowmen
closed by Garkon (2009-01-01 14:18:33)
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