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AuthorTheives guild
I read in another post that for a level 6 character, theives level 0, the enemy would be easier than for a level 8 character of same theives level... so with that in mind that means that if you level up the enemies get tougher as you do... so it's ok to just keep fighting caravans for the theives guild without worrying about neededing to level up to keep up with the competition?
they get much harder if your level is higher. ALOT harder
But which level are you refering to?

Basically, is it possible to beat a caravan at level 6 when your thieves guild level is 7?
how can yr TG lv 7 when U r combat lv 6?
Pls rephase.
It was retorical...
Basically it's like saying, do I really need to level up to keep up with how hard the theives guild caravans get? If I level up in the theives guild, can I still continue without having to get stronger...
Please only answer if you speak fluent English... nobody's answering properly and it's kind of getting frustrating...
it is not queit that easy better go to level 8 and get 5th teir and magic school 2 and more talents but most important have fun
I read in another post that for a level 6 character, theives level 0, the enemy would be easier than for a level 8 character of same theives level

My post =D
I think you'll have less enemies but it will be just as hard to complete at 6 as at 8, because you will have less troops.
no, thieving at lv 6 far more easier
thieving at lv 6 far more easier
agreed, try to do that as "young" as possible, except for elves, maybe its quite hard without EFKs.
thiefing at 8 and 9 is getting so difficult it is impossible without a full arts set. do it when you are low lvl, is much easier
so if i am an elf i should wait till level 8 or go with sprites?
if i were you, start now. i started at level 8, and i have to wear full arts every battle almost from the start
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