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AuthorTGI renting problem, is demonknight cheating?
He rented my TGI, term is
He posted the agreement at below,

I, player demonknight, would like to rent the thief invitation (TGI) from lightingsword. I would like to accept the renting term:
-I will return TGI to lightingsword in 4 weeks.
-I will send lightingsword my first thief art as renting fee for first week.
-I will send lightingsword my second thief arts if return TGI after first week.
-If return TGI after 2 weeks, I pay 3000 gold per extra day past 2 weeks.
-I will not give or rent the TGI to anyone else.

He then ask me to skip 4 days because he will be off town. I agreed, he came back and finished TG2.
he didn't send back the second Theif art. I send his many PMs, he ignored.
Then I go to his battle and talk to him, he agree to send out the second theif art.

I got a pair of theif boots.

Today I happened to checked his trading log. here is what happenned.

01-09-09 18:59: Transferred item(s): 'Thief amulet' [60/60] to chrisl . Transaction price: 58001 Gold
01-09-09 09:12: Transferred item(s): 'Thief boots' [60/60] to lightingSword . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-09-09 09:05: Acquired item: "Thief boots" [60/60] for 23584 gold from Kiskoko as lot #236419

It turned out he bought a pair of boots and kept the thief amulet which is more valuable.

I feel angry but maybe I was biased. I put this onto you guys to judge, am I get cheated?
[Player banned by moderator Kush until 2009-01-12 06:28:24 // This is a general game problem?]
wow, that is pretty shady stuff. Dishonest is a major +

But against the rules? Cheating? Don't think so. Just out-right shameful. Add him to your blacklist? :P
although you could make a case that you were swindled out of 30,000+ gold as a result of this shady action. So maybe, if you word your argument right, you can get the guy fined at least....so he will double think his shady actions in the future.

So tired today, brain is working a little slow.
Based on the terms above that he agreed to, it certainly does look like he went back on the contract.
With a contract visible, is the administration able to reprehend demonknight for this?
What did the contract mean by first and second thief art?
I am sure the contract was referring to the first and second thief art he acquires from from the THIEF GUILD, and only the thief guild. A thief art from a trade cannot be labelled first or second or such correct? So if he gets the amulet, he has to send it to you.

Of course, this is a bit murky, the contract should have been clearer. Should add the words "obtained from thief guild" after "first/second thief art".
to 6:
yes it is a great idea to add these words. But I am pretty sure demonknight knew what the contract refers to. He just chose to deny it.

Sadly in a game of honor, we actually need a lawyer.
id ask arctic about it or look for something in the rules if theres anything about this,or just post ot on the comlpaints sectoin and see if anything happens

Either he chose to ignore it, or he thinks he can mess with the wording XD
Yeah I suggest that you ask the admins about it. We shouldn't let dishonest people like that get away with it. >:(
yes it is a great idea to add these words. But I am pretty sure demonknight knew what the contract refers to. He just chose to deny it.

In law, don't even think that the receiver (demonknight) know about it.

Look this example :
Every activities must be inside the yellow fence.

So, if i build a yellow fence outside that field, is this against the law? i don't think so.

-I will send lightingsword my first thief art as renting fee for first week.
-I will send lightingsword my second thief arts if return TGI after first week.

my second thief art doesn't have to be the art i get from TG. if my second art i did get from market, then that item should be return to u.

This is just my opinion, any other?
F4bs, while what you do say has a point, I think lightningsword's terms were stated clearly enough to the extent that it doesn't become *that* ambiguous. Of course, there are many laws, contracts and other things in the world where minor loopholes exist. This is however only if someone tries very hard to find a fault in it being "not specific enough". My point is, to put it simply, that it is unlikely that contracts are able to cover every single loophole a person can think of, but this does not mean that the loophole should become valid.
i checked him and look at this :
01-08-09 15:44 Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to lightingSword. Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-09-09 09:05 Acquired item: "Thief boots" [60/60] for 23584 gold from Kiskoko as lot #236419

Look at his battle when he reach TG lvl 2 :
01-08-09 09:28: • demonknight[8] vs Caravan of elves

I take back my words. for me, Demonknight is NOT obeying the contract that lighningSword give. Wanna know why?

From that time, u see that the boots was the 3rd art he got. he finished at 8th Jan and got amulet, then bought boots at 9th Jan. He gave back the invitation and then he bought the boots. that's obviously the 3rd art.

But, i don't know bout the rules of breaking contract like that.
for F4bz:
depends on which order he got the arts. if he got the then amulet before the boots, then it is 100% illegal. since the boots are hos 3rd art
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1. Technically it is against the rules. He scammed you out of 30k of gold. So according to the game rules he broke one. The admins may or may not do anything about this due to the fact that also in the rules admins state they will not responsible for anything leased and lost.

2. Think carefully about acusing this player and that player. I understand about demonknight breaking your contract but you could harm the person that brought the amulet without knwoing about the contract. So word your arguement in safe manor and i would be surprised if admins didnt fine him.
For MasterTI
I think he definitely knew the contract. That's why he bought the boots and sent it to lightingSword. Shame on him.
for wolf2000:
I think he definitely knew the contract. That's why he bought the boots and sent it to lightingSword. Shame on him.

I understand that but Chrisl was not involved but is will be brought into it because he brought the amulet. I was just saying careful how he words and shows things so that innocent people dont get named, shamed and charged for involvment when they werent.

From what i can see darkdemon deserves every punishment he gets but Chrisl and Kiskoko should not be punished for this guys bad deeds.
For MasterTI

I agree with you.
I don't see how the admins could bust chrisl or kiskoko...it isn't their job to investigate where the items came from, especially since you just have to give sellers the benefit of the doubt--until wronged parties step forward.
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