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AuthorMercury, Crystal, and gems
There are 3 labs now. thx to admin.

But, to think of it, we just have 1 gem mine and 1 crystal cavern.
1 think that i don't understand, why empire build another lab instead of building another crystal cavern or another gem mine.
Do u have opinion?

Anyway, to forum mods, i'm not sure where should i put this topic, so i put it here. thx.
Topic moved from "Off-game forum" to "General game forum".
why empire build another lab instead of building another crystal cavern or another gem mine.

Because people have been weeping about shortage of mercury, not shortage of gems or crystal.

Anyway, to forum mods, i'm not sure where should i put this topic, so i put it here. thx.

Maybe next time you could PM a mod first, create a topic later :) Just a thought ;)
I think he is right, that is kind of odd 0.o
To forum mods, I'm sorry because it's wrong to put the topic. i didn't mean it.
I'll be careful next time. :)
Sorry shebali, sorry zyanya. Because of me, u got to do something (move topic).

I wonder why. actually, there's not only mercury shortage, gem and crystal too. check out the factory. it always empty.
You are right, but for the moment gem and crystal shortage isn't perceived by administration as a critical issue. Mercury, on the other hand, was required for Nickel and Magic Powder, and shortages were hindering production of most artifacts.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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