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Authorthings from merc quest
what do meteorite shards do
Elements are used to enchant artifacts. So when u reach level 6 and build the Blacksmith u can enhance ur weapons, armor or jewllery with elements.
Gives u a little extra advantage, it is expensive though.
Or you can sell them...they range in price on the market from about 500 to almost 10,000. If you're not going to use them, it can be very profitable.

Check there for more info. find mercenaries' guild section
Mercenaries' Guild

Representatives of this guild can be found in the Yellow Lake region of the Empire. Daredevils, adventure seekers and professional mercenaries from all around the land show up here sometimes searching earnings. Their main business is to complete various quests. A quest can be taken by any character, however, the chances for success of characters with combat level lower than 5 aren't too great. All the quests are limited in time. Every mercenary considers it a duty to return to the guild and report his or her quest successes. That is when the quest is considered completed or failed. For completing the quest, the guild rewards your character with gold and rare elements. Lords who completed lots of guild quests get additional bonuses from the guild.


Fire crystal

Ice crystal

Meteorite Shard


Tiger`s claw


Viper venom


Witch bloom

Every mercenary has a certain reputation in the guild, it affects the frequency of quest offers. Successful quests increase the guilds loyalty, while rejecting the quests or failing them decreases your reputation. Note that it is a lot harder to gain the guild's trust, than to lose it.

The amount of guild points necessary for leveling up can be learned from the experience tables.
closed by Lord MasterTI (2009-01-24 07:50:21)
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