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07-10-08 06:34[Full] [Chat]: • Uliss[7] vs Caravan of dark elves

I think he's one of the first people, 10 juli 2008
The first people to get TGI bought them with diamonds. Uliss is one of them, though I'm not sure if he's been exactly first. He does belong to first-gen thieves, so to speak =)
The first people to get TGI bought them with diamonds

wt ? no TGI before that !

Uliss is one of them, though I'm not sure if he's been exactly first.

but i want to know the first ! XD
Then you have to check battle logs of many, many players. No one will do that for you.

wt ? no TGI before that !

Not sure if it's question or what, but the first TGIs that appeared on this server are the ones first diamond thieves got at TG2. No TGIs before that.

donation was possible at :
2008-07-10 02:35:38

Uliss first ambush:
07-10-08 06:34[Full] [Chat]: • Uliss[7] vs Caravan of dark elves

if you buy diamonds, you dont have them right away, it takes some time
So im almost sure he was the first one
if you buy diamonds, you dont have them right away, it takes some time

Depends on way of donation, actually. Some donations are instant. But I agree that Uliss is most likely to be the first thief on server.

Exept that, it doesn't prove he got the first TGI :P
Anyway i want my answer

Who got the first TGI ? XD
Whoever of diamond thieves reached TG2 first. Probably Uliss (being an elf and starting first)

Now, I'm fairly certain that browsing through combat logs 8+ months old serching for 120ths ambush victories of old players isn't in my job description. So good luck to whoever feels like doing that :P
Anyway i want my answer

Who got the first TGI ? XD

Look for yourself if you dont believe me

You only have to check through 4 086 combat logs
Then you are 100% sure =)
[Player banned by moderator Sven91 until 2025-07-06 11:54:57 // 1.7. Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums" sections of the forum. Application
Go sry!! Look for the person and you can sleep well. =D

PS: I think the person is Uliss as well.
Arctic told that , a team of 7 people had the first TGIs:

Arctic,Sergo777,Vitosik,LEVY,Uliss but none of them were first, so 2 more to find the first.

He also siad that they were bought using Diamonds
I think the person is Uliss as well.

Yes i think he is.....

(To be continued if I find the real one XDDD)

Topic Closed.
Actually, this needs correction =) I bought my entrance into the guild with diamonds, and when I did, I was the seventh Thief in the Empire, I checked that and remember well. So there were six people who enter the Guild before me, 4 of them been already named.
As to who got the first TGI, LEVY was leveling TG fastest of all back then, I'd bet on him, but I cannot be sure.
closed by Arctic (2009-01-31 18:53:36)
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