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Authordonate program......
wt can we use diamonds for???
can we use them to upgrade creatures like rogues to shrews???
that's exactly what we can use them for ;) check your castle upgrades. you can also exchange them for gold but that's the worst thing you can spend them on.

at earlier level. 2 level before normal gold can. you can also buy a TGI and exchange for gold
o i c cant we exchange gold for diamonds?
early upgrades (2 or 1 levels earlier)
change to gold
you can also become a thief w/o TGI
cant we exchange gold for diamonds?
No, we can't.
we can become a thief at below level 6???????(with diamonds)
No, only from lvl 6 upwards. But with diamonds you don't need TGI
o thnx a lot guyz
closed by chadi (2009-02-02 12:40:39)
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