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AuthorAbout defender shields
Ok, I've decided to write here because I found this thing kinda frustrating... I've tryed to take 1 defender shield. I tought people complaining about this were only, well, complainers, without a good speed. My apologize for those people, I have hardly less-estimated them. The reality is that it's kinda impossible to buy a defender shield. I wait until the first second of 14:40, then refresh (shields were available, but only 2 - another strange thing), wrote one on my pad, and then clicked buy. What happened? Nothing... all selled. 8 seconds.

Is it possible?

I say no. I smell something strange...
you did not purchase the defender shield in time. All those shields that were available was purchased before you had submitted your purchase (sending your data to the servers) was purchased by other users sending this data before you.
a little test:

start -> run -> cmd -> ping

Then you can see your connection with the server, if it is higher then 250 ms it is useless to try it. (unless its midnight and everyone is a sleep :P )
Ok, understood. In less than 8 seconds (i said 8, but they could be less...)?

It's impossible.
Quite possible. Shield and rings vanish really fast.
They didn't vanish, they finished in someone hands. How could these hands can be filled in a so fast way? This is the strangest thing.
8 seconds are too much. Maybe 3-6. Just imagine 30 weird PC guys clicking refresh at the same time. Its nothing about abilities. Just lag and luck.
Not strange, when you consider how many players try to buy them. And according to market, shields are very much availiable, even if sold for outrageous prices :P
oh for sure they are available... lol

By the way, tracking these shields (following market, i mean), you can see that there are always the same people owning them. Maybe it's because they are faster... or maybe... boh. I don't know.
It's worse for the rings of inspiration... Sometimes they are gone in 1 second
Yeah... and none of yours find this thing strange? Weird?.... suspicious?
how do you want to prove that someone is using scripts? there is only 1 way to do that; breaking into their house...and look on their computer

and .... thats a bit too much for me, since its only a game ^_^
I find LeNgZaISD luck w/rings suspicious. So?

One can talk of scripts for as long as one likes, won't change anything unles one has proof. Now how to get that proof w/o breaking into their house...and look on their computer I've no idea :)
Lol you're right. Better to cover our eyes, and pass over :)

We can close the discussion here, I think, since it's evidently impossible to determine the truth :)
It is possible to ask me =)
There were no scripts used in the facility at least since the tournament launch. All the shields were purchased naturally. You might believe it or choose not to, but it just shows how high the demand is :) And I will probably not make you happy, but I managed to buy myself a shield with my first attempt a few hours ago. When I was purchasing it, there were 9 shields, when the page go refreshed, there were none. So tell me, why does it seem so impossible that there were at least 8 more people eager to buy a defender shield at that minute?
I guess this settles it :)
closed by Shebali (2009-02-04 19:48:56)
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