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AuthorThief ring
Thief ring give 5% initiative to hero or just to creatures?
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // wrong]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // wrong exactly in case of initiative]
just to creatures

There are precious few ways to raise hero ini.
the only way i know is MH ring of dexterity and sorcery(spells only)

Do you know other ways?
How can you explain why this barbarian hero have 11 initiative with full thief set?!

Do you know other ways?

The help section says for for full thief set:

+10% initiative to the character.

This may explain the How can you explain why this barbarian hero have 11 initiative with full thief set?! question.

By the way... does anyone know why Thief rings give 6% ini on .ru and only 5% here?
for gem85:
There are was instance with thieves. After that artefacts was upgrd.
for gem85:

Because the .ru server is the .ru server
This is the .com server and not the .ru server
closed by Shebali (2009-02-06 22:29:12)
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