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AuthorPolice Guild
I like it
It seems to me that people are already gathering their forces vs Thieves:

I.e. they want to be policemen.
yeah, it was my idea, but i think police guild is noy too cool, maybe Army guild, it seems like soldiers of empire vs thieves of the road, and i think if you are a thieve you can become a soldier of empire, in this way we create 2 blocks inb the game, and it was interesting, we can make batles into thieve or soldiers and else
a dont know whether the calculations of number of swordsmen are correct i am not good at it but i know that something should be done to check thieving...
2. PG with current bonuses has only one "use" - to make life a living hell for thieves (as if hydravans weren't bad enough) It gives no bonuses outside ambushes, but it gives insane bonuses to ambushed players. That's not right.
thieves will die out on their own, and this topic has been traced through IaS since the beginning of times.
i'd prefer to make a won fight against a thief to a merc guild point.
-1 , makes policemen too strong . Thieves are a part of game , not something to be eradicated !

a dont know whether the calculations of number of swordsmen are correct i am not good at it but i know that something should be done to check thieving...

You are absolutely right! Try traveling with full/enchanted arts next time :P

-1 , makes policemen too strong
Indeed, those bonuses make a 4*10% weapon look like a toothpick >.<
I like the idea, but the bonuses you suggested the police guild give would mean police would own thieves, but not much else. Why would someone give up the initiative and thief items thieving give for something that applies in 1 battle only?

Change the bonuses to things like 1 defence every 2 levels, and maybe 1% magic resistance a level or something like that, and then people might support it more.

In principal I think the idea is great, and should be accepted - exactly how it would work could be debated afterwards. There are obvious issues of balance which need to be ironed out.

Perversley this idea makes me want to join the Thieves Guild... never pass up on the opportunity to beat up on authority :D

This made me laugh:

it is useless bonus for necromancers – where did you see some skeletons as policemen?

When did you last see faeries as policemen? No, don't answer that...!
why swordmen?

guardian way mroe better


Thieving is hard enough as it is, why add incentive? The cost of a TGI + the cost of full arts (which are necessary) to reach TG5 is high, another factor of difficulty is really not needed.

Anyway, there is already the brigands in the merc guild, you would be doing the same basic thing in both guilds
The cost of a TGI + the cost of full arts (which are necessary) to reach TG5 is high

Conversely this suggestion may have the effect of reducing the cost of a TGI.

Plus, the benefit of reaching TG5 is massive.
for Shibbolleth:
Yes, the benifit is massive, but the gold it takes to reach TG5 is great as well, i've used up 100k (that's with the gold i gain from each battle) in arts and im not even TG3 yet.

Imagine how hard it would be if there were 5+ full art people waiting for you to set your ambush. you'd probalbly get stuck in a 2v1 with full arts vs full arts, and a guaranteed loss.

Conversely this suggestion may have the effect of reducing the cost of a TGI.

Well, this suggestion will ensure less people will get TG 5, so there would be less TGI's coming back to the market, and in the end there may be none left on the server. Which means the only way to join the theif guild would be to use diamonds.
99% admins wouldn't introduce this idea. They would better make TGI cheaper or easier than doing this. Bcause TGI cost is too high and most players will join police guild and hard time for thieves.So diamond players wouldn't invest diamond and huge loss for admins.

Also if they set something like 20 diamond or 1/4 price of TGI for police guild, then also most wouldn't join as there is no advantage out side an ambush and earning points will be hard as there would be low number of thieves. And it will be a great loss for thieves who spend 9L to buy TGI. Now itself reaching TGI lvl5 is hard and some thieves leave game before reaching lvl5. In the end both police guild and thieves guild will be ruined . So -1 to this idea.
99% admins wouldn't introduce this idea.
Thats a very good point... no wait i wanted to say useless.
Admins wont read anything here. If they introduce something stated in this Forum its just by chance.
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