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Author | Journey of a Warrior |
Kew and all but chapters are a little short... | Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad so many of you like it :D
I am currently writing chapter 3, but I'm super busy right now. College has just started back.. and for some reason they think we should have loads of homework! :(
So I hope to have it done as soon as possible! | but dear friend.......we shall be glad if u include us in your story...........
that will be very good for are a great writer..........I admire you........
;D | Not so sure about this chapter.. Sorry it took so long!
Chapter Three
Like Father, Like Son
Bells were ringing, panic, mayhem. Guards were scrambling, trying to close off all access to the large cavern. But it was too late. We were gone. It was later rumoured that two Wizards, one elderly and the other young, most likely his apprentice, had broken into the thief guild. Whether or not anything was removed was unknown, the guards were unable to track down those responsible….
Nearly one moon had passed since I had backed out of the Mercenary’s Guild. After leaving, I headed up the small winding path and into the village. I decided to try and find Baru, perhaps he could help me out. The local tavern was a funny looking place, lopsided and painted a shade of green that seemed to shimmer in sunlight. Inside, a cloud of purple smoke hung low around the heads of the occupants. Most of them were gamblers. I found Baru sitting in a table by himself in the corner. He greeted me with enthusiasm and surprise, quickly stuffing a small pouch beneath his cloak. He inquired to why I was there. I told him about the embarrassing and painful meeting at the Mercenary’s Guild, he was understanding and told me I should join him at the tavern that night. I did.
We sat at that table until dawn, discussing many things. First of all I had to find out the truth about my Father. I kept trying to tell myself he wasn’t a thief. But in my heart, with a sinking feeling, I felt that wasn’t to be the case. A plan was devised. Baru had offered to continue with me on my journey; after all I would need his help. We had decided to break into the Thief Guild. An impenetrable underground labyrinth of tremendously large caverns, anyone that did make it in, would never make it back out again. But before we could leave, I needed to be trained. I was too weak to take on the dangerous roads that passed through Blooming Glade. It was decided that I would to train with a legendary sword-master and a close friend of Baru’s, a formidable Barbarian by the name of Souvik. Over the next few days Souvik pushed me to the limit. Time after time I would find myself staring up the deadly blade of his sword as I lay defeated in the dirt, and time after time he would yell at me to get up. To learn from such a skilled swordsman was an honour and after my training I felt ready to take on anything that came my way.
Baru and I set off up the path towards Blooming Glade, quickly stumbling across 20 Skeletons; Baru pushed me forward, urging me to try out my new found sword skills. I killed them easily and even better, I made myself 28 gold. We continued up the path until we arrived at Blooming Glade. Once there we searched out an old accomplice, Souvik had told us to visit once we had arrived there. In an old dirty shack nestled in the middle of an overgrown field we found an old crone. She gave us some crumpled old sheets of parchment and shooed us out the door. Now, we had a map of all the tunnels within the Thief Guild. Our survival depended on those few faded sheets of parchment. | Chapter 3 - Continued
The Raid.
Hurriedly we ran through the deep twisting corridors, the sound of the pursuing guards’ footsteps echoing all around us. I was injured from the tussle with the guard at the entrance but still I forged on, pressing the stolen documents to my chest. We were heading for a little known exit in an unused part of the maze of Caverns. We arrived at a small opening and I hoisted myself out of the narrow crack in the rock face, and then turned around to help Baru up. He was stuck. I tugged and tugged while I watched the guards turn the corner into the long corridor, yelling out for us to stop. How ironic, the thieves were being thieved. With one last tug I managed to dislodge Baru from the gap. Free, just in time to see the guards reach the opening in the wall. We took off at a run down the path towards the Misty Coast. As we ran I looked back upon the Thief Guild, thinking of its many secrets, lies and the treasures hidden deep within it, a true fortress of surprise and wonder. With a pang of dread, I realised what I had done. Like father, like Son, I had become a thief, the very opposite of what I had wanted to become, and Longing to find my father, to find the truth, bubbled up inside me. | Its good, i dont read much but i read that :D | great job!!! | pure awesomeness | With a pang of dread, I realised what I had done. Like father, like Son, I had become a thief, the very opposite of what I had wanted to become, and Longing to find my father, to find the truth, bubbled up inside me.
yor such a good writer,it sounds almost real,and anything near that is already aweseome. | With a pang of dread, I realised what I had done. Like father, like Son, I had become a thief, the very opposite of what I had wanted to become, and Longing to find my father, to find the truth, bubbled up inside me.
Without a TGI? | There are a few grammar mistakes, and it could flow better in some places, but I couldn't do better, so I can't really criticize. 26-29 say the rest. :) | Thanks. Never was the greatest when it comes to grammar.. I can spell perfectly fine, but not punctuate!
To #30 - As it said he had broken in to the thief guild. But if you were referring to the Line "I had become a Thief" - It means in a mutual respect. He hadn't become a thief tracked by the thief guild, but rather a thief of his own accord, in his own conscious.
If that made sense to you :P
Chapter 4 is about half way.. Still very busy right now so I can't find much time to write it! | Nice story so far. :) Hopefully, the main villain of the plot would show up soon >:)
The cameo appearance from a LWM player is a nice touch though. | Tip: A chapter a day keeps the docter away :P | Tip: A chapter a day keeps the docter away :P
Real Tip: A chapter an hour keeps the docter away :D | Lol If I could stop doing homework I would start writing the story again :P | Wow, so very nice. I read it so easily and quickly. I think it flows great. Hope you continue with the story. Its easy to find time, just drop out of school. :) I'm just kidding of course but do keep writing when you find the time. | good, very good. keep up the good work. | Lol If I could stop doing homework
I know homework is such a big pain. :(
Looking forward to the next part :D | hmm i was hoping that since my internet was off this past week that the next part of your story would be here :(
But oh well :) The longer you take the better it will be (maybe lol) |
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