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AuthorDecrous' Quest
Hello everyone, I thank you for taking your time to read my story I was eager to write something... or should i say type... Well anyway, i should get started.

I know im not the best writer (typer) but im not the worst either so with the help of my good friend (notified below in this post) helped me out by correcting some things.

I'd Love your Feedback and any comments, just be nice ;) Im open to things ive done wrong also.

Notice! This story is not meant to make the empire seem like a bad thing or whatever you want to call it. But i am not trying to offend anyone. ;)
Decrous' Quest
Written (typed) by Leoneon.
Revised and edited by my good friend Overruler.

My name is Decrous. I am an elf and I am prepared for all who face me. With my blade and bow I shall fight untill I obtain victory. Like all others I wanted to win battles and collect that which I have earned. For seven years I trained untill war was called. Empire forced taxes on everything. Leather, steel, nickle, gold, and even the artifacts we bought with our pride were subdued to those vile taxes. The Empire murdered innocents and managed to take the demons over and used them as their own force. Along with their knights the demons made The Empire a force that none would fight, except me. I would be the one to end the madness. I was the one that saved us all, and this is how.
Chapter one - Just like any other day.

I ran to my room and grabbed my Longbow and Equilibrium Blade. I was going out to hunt a large group of bandits for the mercenary's guild. It was my first mercenary guild since my parents passed away. I leave Great Capital and run for the silent hills, last known location of the bandits. Hours passed untill I finally heard their words. I ran out into the open foolishly and was shot at by the startled bandits. I dodged their attack and sent a group of my forest keepers at them, killing not much compared to how many were left. A bandit shouted out "We knew someone was coming. Thats why we brought some friends!" Thirty shrews jump out and killed my forest keepers easily in one attack. I didn't see it at the time but a dark witch killed my elven bowmen leaving only me and a few sprites and druids standing. I cut my loses and ran without a glance back but was caught by the shrews. They stole all of the gold I had and fled like cowards. I got up and started back to the mercenary guild to tell them of the news. I knew only harsh words were to be a response and that I could have just avoided them.

After an hour past Great Capital I ran into a griffin, killed it, and continued on. I had a bad feelings after killing that griffin. Once I got to the mercenary guild and saw swordsmen of The Empire killing a few of the mercenary archers. I hid behind a tree in hopes that they wouldn't find me for as I knew I was too weak to fight them. I heard a women screaming for help and couldn't contain myself to stay hidden so I ran out and shot one of the swordsmen with an arrow. He laughed as if my attack had no effect. They started after me slowly so I had my sprites distract them with a wasp swarm. I ran to the women, helped her up, and we ran away.

"What is your name?" I asked the woman as she wipped away her tears. "My name...my name is.." the women starts to say catching her breath but stops. I see an arrow in her neck and look behind her, seeing a bowman that shot a red tipped arrow into the woman's neck. I knew the bowmen was going to try to kill me. Just then a barbarian ran up and killed the bowman from behind, easily. I ran towards the barbarian but I was too slow due to a cut in my leg from the shrews, that I had just noticed. I ripped a part of the woman's shirt off and tied it around my leg. It was night time by then, and I started to walk not knowing where I was or where I was going. Two hours had passed and I find myself at East Bay. I look off into the distance and see something glowing. It was almost as bright as day. As I got closer to the glowing light I saw someone in a blue cloak holding something in their hand. The person in the cloak turned toward me, then vanished.
Chapter two - An old friend

I heard a voice calling out my name. "Decrous! Decrous, over here!". I turned toward the Ridge of Hope noticing a male necromancer walking my way. I didn't recognize who it was untill he was closer. In relief I spoke, "Geminus? It's you! It has been awhile since we last spoke." Geminus replied, "Yes it has, six years, right?" "Just about", I said in joy. "How's your training going?" Geminus said looking at me like he had done something wrong. I observed him before answering him and when i did answer all I said was, "It's going good I guess." Geminus looked up in the night sky then back down at me. "We should get out of East Bay. I've heard rumors of a cloaked man stealing souls of the weak.." Geminus paused then continued saying, "The man also is supposed to be siding with the Empire."

I heard a faint noise of something moving in nearby bushes. I grabbed my Equilibrium Blade and held it close to the ground. A gremlin walks out from behind the bushes and looks up at Geminus and me. The gremlin turns around and starts running off. "Lets follow it, there is suppose to be a wizard that enchants weapons for a low cost." Geminus sighed remembering the tax. "Sure lets go." I smiled and started running after the gremlin. Geminus followed me. After a few minutes of chasing the gremlin we came apond an old log cabin. Geminus walked up to the door and went to knock, but as soon sas he touched the door its henges broke, making the door falls and lay flat on the ground. Geminus looked inside and saw no one. He came back outside to me being attack by a spawn. One of his death envoys killed the spawn. The spawn's body sinks into the ground leaving nothing except a small flame. "How did you get death envoys so quick?" I wondered. "I've been training harder then you have." Geminus smiled then continued talking, "That spawn was gated, there must be a demon close in the area. We can not wait to find it, I say we go back to Great Capital."

When we got to the gates of the Great Capital Geminus stopped me from entering. "Meet me tomorrow morning at Misty Coast. I'll be there at sunrise." Geminus stated. "Will do." I exclaimed in a nearly silent voice as I walkd into Great Capital's gates.
Good so far, do write more. :)
Wow ! The story is fast and a good action thriller. =)
Thanks to you two and many others that have complimented on this story (in chat)

Things to know:
1. Chapter 3 will be coming sooner then you think. hehe
2. If i add a person to the story that is another person in this game I will have permission first.

Not-so-interesting-facts (lol)
1. Decrous is an elf, Geminus is a Necromancer :P

Chapter 3 Coming soon! :)
Chapter Three - A Rude Awakening

Half asleep just waking an hour past midnight my home was burning. It must have been lit by someone while I was sleeping. I grabbed my weapons and part of the roof fell in front of the window. Smoke filled the room and my lungs causing my to cough, so I had to leave the room, which I tried. As soon as I opened the door an explosion burst in my room, knocking me off my feet and causing me to fall face first. The roof started to crackle as if it were going to fall. I quickly got up and ran for the door; although, the door was jammed. I backed up and slammed my shoulder against the door knocking it down. My head started aching from the smoke. Only my house was burning, and no one was outside. I started wondering how the fire started, and as I started walking away, I heard the roof of my home, collapsing.

I was already up and wouldn't be able to sleep so I decided to travel to Misty Coast, hoping I would find a creature to hunt on the way. In East Bay I saw something white running in a forest, something that for a moment looked like a unicorn, and a strong one at that. I continued my way to Misty Coast ignoring what I believed to be a unicorn. Once halfway I realized it was nearly sunrise. I hurried to Misty Coast, constantly looking up into the sky as I heard screeches of griffens. It sounded as if the Empire was about to raid again.

I reached Misty coast just as Geminus was. The cool breeze and mist hitting me eased my headache. "Good Morning" Geminus said. "My home burnt down in the night." I sighed and continued,"Where did you sleep?" "I didn't sleep." Geminus answered. I looked at the lighthouse, watching the bright light shine throughout the water. "I need your help." Geminus stated. "Help with what?" I said curiously. Before Geminus could answer a magic arrow hit the ground in front of him and exploded, knocking him to the ground. I turned and saw someone fit for being a wizard. The wizard almost yelling said,"Necromancers...Oh how I hate them, I'll get rid of all of them for disturbing the dead!."
Chapter 3 (Continued)

I prepared myself for battle as Geminus stood from the powerful hit. Geminus Stood infront of me and pushed me back, sending a vampire at the wizard which was intercepted by a genie. The vampire was poisoned then killed by the genie. My forest keeper attacked the genie, doing hardly any damage at all. The genie attacks back, knocking the forest keeper to the ground. Geminus revived his vampire which then killed the genie. A phantom of the genie, made when we weren't paying any attention to the wizard, killed our troops with the help of gargoyals and spinix warriors. Geminus and I ran to Yellow Lake, not looking back in attempts to escape the wizard. "That genie was wearing wearing some type of miniature artifact, helping it in hat fight. Thats why is was so difficult to kill." Geminus said. I nodded still trying to catch my breath.

So i dont have to double post that Line means that was the end of the chapter lol
My reviser probably wont be revising this anymore so it is just gonna get worse lol, who knows, maybe ill pull it off :|
My Reviser has re-employed as my Reviser-ment person, yes i know i am confusing lol, Well anyway

More good Chapters to come.

Chapter 4 and other chapters will come soon but most likely will have a 1-10 (at the max) day spand between them. If it is more then 10 days it is because one of us is having internet problems/no internet because people dont pay bill (lol)/ and other typical things
Hey leoneon,

Reads fast, and seems like it would make a good run-through of the game - kinda hits on all of the major themes of the game (thieving, factions, hunts, etc).

As a storyline goes, it reads more as a journal than a story, with quick comments and ideas and little description. Which is not a disparagement.

keep writing, i'll be reading. =)
And I'll be having my energy drained making what he makes up better.
ns story :D
great story,keep on the good work.
Well a mistake

Vamps cant be poisoned.
Thanks guys and gals :)

Chapter 4 - coming within 4 days from this post
this is...awesome...

you should write more, mate.
See? even the empire's chronicler turn his eyes on you...
that is juz great.

will be waiting for the next chapter :)
very nice
Ok sorry to say but there will be a Postponement on Chapter 4, I know i will at least get it to you within 5 days, Sorry
Sorry it took a while to complete

Chapter 4 - Raiding Secrets

Geminus and I stayed at a small campsite for the night due to my home being burned to the ground. Geminus made the fire and we both made shelters of wood, leaves, and rope. After everything was prepared Geminus asked if I wanted something to eat, to which I replied "Yes, thanks. What is there to eat?". Geminus got up and walked to a small stream only about 20 yards away from the campsite. Ten minutes pass and he has caught four fish and filled a cantene with water. He cut a small dagger to cut the scales off of the fish. He cuts the heads off, cut the heads up, threw them into the water for fish food. I started to cook the fish and heard a noise from the bushes.

A scream came from Geminus and footsteps started to surround me. I started turning to see what was surrounding me. My heart beat shot straight up. A flaming arrow shot out and stabbed right into my left arm. With the burning feeling like it was getting hotter every second I grabbed the arrow and pulled it out of me. A wolfhound rushed out of the darkness and tackled me. I faught it with all my might as it tried to bite my face and neck. While I was pinned down some of the Empire's troops stole all of our items. My weapons, Geminus' weapons, our food and water, everything. A whistle was blown then all of the troops run off.

I got up from the ground and ran to the stream where Geminus was while I was holding my left arm. I got there only to find Geminus' dead body, with a slit throat. I dropped to my knees and a single tear drops from my face, falling onto a letter in his pocket. I grabbed the letter and started reading. It read:

"Dear Geminus, I am sorry that I have never goten the chance to bond with you and your brother as much as I wished. I was captured by the empire and locked up in Great Capital. I shall be executed on Saturday. Suprizing the guard got this letter to you. Tell Decrous I'm sorry,and I shall always love him. Your soon to be late father, Arraboc."

Realizing from the letter that Geminus was my brother, I stood staring at the letter. "Today is only Friday...my father, our father, is still alive!" I thought to myself. Being the only one that could save him I didn't have much time and needed to get to Great Capital to save him! I started towards Great Capital, running, not looking back, not stopping to catch my breath. The farthest I have ever ran in my life. I did not have my weapons with my but did not care, I was going to save my father. On my way a unicorn stopped in front of me. I knew it wanted to assist me, so I hopped on its back and rode it towards Great Capital.
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